What is the reason behind not importing Alamofire

2019-01-20 06:53发布


I am making a demo of Alamofire using cocoa-pods.I am referring the tutorial "https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire". I tried both manual and by sample procedure .But, when i am importing Alamofire,an error shows like "No such module 'Alamofire' ". So please help me to short out this issue.

Thanks in advance.


Follow these steps for installation >

1- open terminal and cd to your project folder 2- Create Podfile and add the code from https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire 3- In terminal , run

pod install 

4- Close the project and open again from newly created workspace of projectName.xcworkspace

5- Run and build the project once

Now it should be able to import


xcode need time to add Alamofire in to your project. My suggestion:

Press Command + Shift + R to rebuild project.


When there is a mismatching version in your 'Podfile' against your Xcode Version, it would cause this issue. For example:

My Xcode Version is 9.2 (see below)

Therefore my Podfile will need to include 9.2 in the platform section (see below on line 2)

After that, go back to your Terminal and recreate the '.xcworkspace' file by executing in the project folder:

pod install

Finally, open your '.xcworkspace' file in Xcode and click Build.

This should resolve the issue