I know this has been asked earlier here & here too.They are not answered properly (or not answered at all).But,i don't know why moveTaskToBack(true);
always returns false for me .Can anyone tell me why and how could i solve the issue? Thanks in advance.
public void onBackPressed() {
boolean r= moveTaskToBack(true);
//r is false !! using API LEVEL 8
Note:The activity from which i am calling it is a child Activity
included in a tabActivity
and neither of this is a MAIN or LAUNCHER activity.I don't know if that makes a difference.
and as a result the application does'nt go to background.I want it to go to background just as if the hardware HOME is pressed
I don't know why moveTaskToBack(true)
is returning false
for you. Perhaps there's something weird in your manifest? At any rate, you can do this instead to bring up the home screen:
Intent i = new Intent();
However, be aware of this message:
"You cannot simulate a press on the Home key." — Roman Guy, Android framework engineer
I'm not sure how that squares with my suggested code (which I found on the same thread as Roman's statement and seems to work).
I came into the similar problem(a child Activity included in a tabActivity), when you call moveTaskToBack(true) in the child activity, it doesn't work, whereas it works in the parent activity. You can call moveTaskToBack(true) in child activity like this:
Just write:
public void onBackPressed() {
// super.onBackPressed();