
Rating an android app within an application

2020-02-11 08:07发布


I am trying to have the functionality where I can allow the users to rate my app from my application. I am not concentrating on the usual android market pointing and then doing it. Instead I want my application to have direct rating system.

I am pretty sure that this can be done i iPhone, but any one knows to do in android?


This is how we can rate an app, the one suggested in the android official site.

  Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
  intent.setData(Uri.parse("market://details?id=com.test(This is the package name)"));


An app can't rate itself, only the user can do so; this approach reduces abuse. Apps normally ask them to go to Android Market to rate them, as they reduce the abuse factor. In one app, however, I've been told that I will get a bonus if I rate that app a certain way (for example, five stars).