
How to use espeak with python

2020-02-11 08:16发布


I want to use espeak(http://espeak.sourceforge.net) with python2.7.0-32 bit in windows7.

Additionally, I also want to save the audio files generated by espeak.


I tried to install this package in Windows 8 but couldn't really get it in the first few attempts.

But this is what i did to get espeak to work with python

  1. Download and Install espeak for Windows from here
  2. Add the eSpeak/command-line folder to PATH so that the command espeak is available
  3. Call espeak commands using python module subprocess similar to how it is done in the example below



How about something like this.

import subprocess

def execute_unix(inputcommand):
   p = subprocess.Popen(inputcommand, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
   (output, err) = p.communicate()
   return output

a = "Some amazing words of wisdom."

# write out to wav file 
b = 'espeak -w temp.wav "%s" 2>>/dev/null' % a  

# speak aloud
c = 'espeak -ven+f3 -k5 -s150 --punct="<characters>" "%s" 2>>/dev/null' % a #speak aloud



Im using this at the moment which is working well...on my Raspberry Pi

from subprocess import call

call(["espeak","-s140 -ven+18 -z","Hello From Mike"])


What are you asking exactly?

Here there is documentation:

eSpeak Documentation

And samples:

eSpeak samples

If you have a specific doubt we can help you.