
AngularJS OnsenUI reload parent page on nav.popPag

2020-02-11 07:23发布


I'm calling a function on ng-init and in that page I'm pushing a new page to the pageStack of navigator on a button click. And in the child page I'm popping the current page. Now I want to reload the parent page when the child page is removed from page stack.

Here is the code:


<ons-navigator var="nav" page="page1.html">


<ons-template id="page1.html">
    <ons-page ng-controller="pageOneController" ng-init="reload()">
            <div class="center">Page 1</div>
        <ons-button ng-click="nav.pushPage('page2.html')">Push Page</ons-button>

<ons-template id="page2.html">
            <div class="center">Page 2</div>
        <ons-button ng-click="nav.popPage();">Pop Page</ons-button>


module.controller('pageOneController', function(){
    $scope.reload = function(){
        console.log('Page one controller reloaded');


one solution is to reload the app by using



You can use the new pageReplace() that comes with the new Onsen UI 1.3.0. You can pass it to the callback of popPage() like this:

$scope.popAndReplace = function() {
  $scope.nav.popPage({onTransitionEnd : function() {
     $scope.nav.replacePage('page1.html', { animation : 'none' } );

Working here: http://codepen.io/frankdiox/pen/gbJGZw

Hope it helps!


While Fran's answer works great, there is a small flicker / hiccup in the UI when the page gets replaced. I took a slightly different approach by using insertPage() and changing the order of ops. The end result is smoother UI flow:

$scope.replacePreviousPage = function(url) {
      var pages = $scope.nav.getPages(),
          index = pages.length - 2;

      if (index < 0)

      $scope.nav.insertPage(index, url);
      pages.splice(index, 1);

You can create another function to encapsulate the replacing and popping, or just call them like:


I am thinking of patching this into popPage() as an option (i.e. option.reloadPage) and submitting a pull request.



Thank you for the idea! I was struggling with Onsen coming from Ionic, so your example really helped. I slightly modified it and here is an alternative if anyone was interested. It wasn't destroying ons-pages for me, which I needed it to for handling some odd duplicate directive issues. Also, I had to go back more than one page sometimes.

//function to go back and reload controller
$rootScope.index = 0;
$rootScope.replacePreviousPage = function (url) {
    var c = 0;
    angular.forEach(nav.getPages(), function (v, i) {
        if (i >= $rootScope.index) {
    nav.insertPage($rootScope.index, url);

$rootScope.back = function (page) {
    if (page === "index") {
    } else {
        if (page === "version") {
            $rootScope.index = $rootScope.index - 2;
        } else {
        $rootScope.replacePreviousPage('templates/' + page + '.html');

$rootScope.forward = function (page) {
    nav.pushPage('templates/' + page + '.html');