I would like to know how to use Firebase's ServerValue.TIMESTAMP method, when I want to create a timestamp at the Firebase server, and then retrieve it to the local client.
In Firebase guides, only javascript has a more detailed description of this case, but I'm having a hard time figureing how to translate this in to my Android appliction.
Thanks in advance!
is set as a Map
(containing {.sv: "timestamp"}
) which tells Firebase to populate that field with the server's time. When that data is read back, it is the actual unix time stamp which is a Long
Something like this will work:
Firebase ref = new Firebase("https://YOUR-FIREBASE.firebaseio.com");
ref.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot snapshot) {
Long timestamp = (Long) snapshot.getValue();
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {
For another example, you can see my answer to this question: Android chat crashes on DataSnapshot.getValue() for timestamp
I know this question already been answered, but I wanted to share my version of the solution.
When I use the server's timestamp, i usually need to use it more than once, i.e I have some kind of startTime
and endTime
which both depend on the server's time, where startTime
is NOW
and endTime
is X seconds / minutes / hours after startTime
, so to spare the multiple requests to the server I save the server's time in a root child called serverTime
in the database, and I use it to set all dependent values.
Another thing, because of the way Firebase works with the ServerValue.Timestamp
, eventually it fires 2 events (added and changed), the first one with local timestamp and the second with the actual server's timestamp. So to overcome the issue of not receiving the correct time I added a simple OnCompleteListener
A short example code:
import android.support.annotation.NonNull;
import com.google.android.gms.tasks.OnCompleteListener;
import com.google.android.gms.tasks.Task;
import com.google.firebase.database.DataSnapshot;
import com.google.firebase.database.DatabaseError;
import com.google.firebase.database.DatabaseReference;
import com.google.firebase.database.ServerValue;
import com.google.firebase.database.ValueEventListener;
public class ServerTime {
public interface OnTimeRetrievedListener {
void onTimeRetrieved(Long timestamp);
private final DatabaseReference db;
public ServerTime(DatabaseReference db) {
this.db = db.child("serverTime");
* Gets the server's timestamp in milliseconds.
* @param listener {@link OnTimeRetrievedListener}
public void getTime(final OnTimeRetrievedListener listener) {
if (listener == null) {
db.setValue(ServerValue.TIMESTAMP).addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<Void>() {
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<Void> task) {
db.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) { }
If you don't want to write to database to figure out the timestamp, you can get instant approximation of it. Works even offline and it's good enough for most cases.
Read value
And add it to new Date().time()
First, send an object to the firebase server
FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference("serverTimeTest").setValue(new KKModel());
Model class
class KKModel{
public String someField = "value";
public Object creationDate = ServerValue.TIMESTAMP;
public String creationDate() {
return SimpleDateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, Locale.US).format(creationDate);
working fine test results "9/6/18"