I am learning some node and have been trying to use mongoose. Currently, my goal is to learn how to use populate.
I have a projects
definition and milestone
projectSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
id: String,
title: String,
description: String,
owner: String,
site: String,
creation_date: Date,
milestone_ids: Array,
milestones: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "Milestone"
Project = mongoose.model("Project", projectSchema)
milestones = require(__dirname + "/milestones.js")();
Then I do this at some point in the projects.js
Project.find(query, {}, {sort: {_id: -1}},
function (error, results) {
How do I populate the milestones?
Here is the project
data from mongo:
"title": "sitename",
"description": "online thing",
"creation_date": {
"$date": "2013-07-11T19:45:42.139Z"
"_id": {
"$oid": "51df0b66dbdd7c4f14000001"
"milestones": [],
"milestone_ids": [],
"__v": 0
And this one is the milestone
that is basically connected to the project:
"title": "Proof of concept",
"description": "Make it work.",
"due_date": {
"$date": "2013-07-11T19:46:38.535Z"
"project_id": "51df0b66dbdd7c4f14000001",
"_id": {
"$oid": "51df0b9edbdd7c4f14000002"
"__v": 0
Also, this is the milestone schema:
milestoneschema = new mongoose.Schema({
id: String,
title: String,
description: String,
owner: String,
site: String,
due_date: Date,
project_id: {
type: String,
ref: "Project"
Milestone = mongoose.model("Milestone", milestoneschema);