I have a few select boxes that are acting erratically in ios. I'm running cordova 1.8.1 and have a knockout.js application running on my page. When I select an item in the item picker, it gets selected but so do all the other items on the list. Now, as far as I can tell the proper item is being selected and reported when I submit the form, but it looks really really bad to the user and could be very confusing. I'm doing anything fancy, here is the code:
<select class="dropdownList1" style='width:35%;left:28%;position:absolute;' data-bind="value:ContactUsForm.Month,options:ContactUsForm.Months,optionsCaption: 'Month'"></select>
But here is the result when I pick 7 for the month:
This is NOT a muti select box. It seems to me that the error here is in iOS, but my suspicion is that Knockout is also doing some re rendering when I select a value. In normal browsers the box snaps shut so you never see an 'intermediate' state, but with ios, the box stays open until you click 'done'.