I have a MongoDb
instance running(single instance) with SSL
enabled. I am able to connect to it with RoboMongo
where on SSL
tab I provide the following :
CA File : /path to my certificate/testCA.pem
PEM certificate/key: /path to my key/testKey.pem
Which successfully connects. Now I'm trying to connect to the same mondodb from java app. I imported the testCA.pem into cacerts using the following command:
keytool -import -keystore cacerts -file testCA.pem -storepass changeit
and I can see a new entry added to the store. Tried to add the other key into it and it says invalid certificate. On the Java app I set system property as following:
System.setProperty ("javax.net.ssl.trustStore","C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre1.8.0_91\\lib\\security\\cacerts");
System.setProperty ("javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword","changeit");
and I'm getting the following error:
org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException: Timed out after 10000 ms while waiting to connect. Client view of cluster state is {type=Unknown, servers=[{address=test.mongo.com:27017, type=Unknown, state=Connecting, exception={com.mongodb.MongoException$Network: Exception opening the socket}, caused by {java.io.EOFException}}]; nested exception is com.mongodb.MongoTimeoutException: Timed out after 10000 ms while waiting to connect. Client view of cluster state is {type=Unknown, servers=[{address=test.mongo.com:27017, type=Unknown, state=Connecting, exception={com.mongodb.MongoException$Network: Exception opening the socket}, caused by {java.io.EOFException}}]
at org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.MongoExceptionTranslator.translateExceptionIfPossible(MongoExceptionTranslator.java:75)
at org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.MongoTemplate.potentiallyConvertRuntimeException(MongoTemplate.java:2075)
at org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.MongoTemplate.executeFindMultiInternal(MongoTemplate.java:1918)
What am I missing here, thanks in advance!
In addition to importing the CAFile.pem
with the command:
(navigate to your java_home/jre/lib/security
to run the commands)
1. keytool -import -trustcacerts -file testCA.pem -keystore cacerts -storepass "changeit"
I also had to export the key.pem
into a pkcs12
format(default password 'changeit'
2. openssl pkcs12 -export -out mongodb.pkcs12 -in testKey.pem
and in addition to setting system property trustStore/password, keyStore/password should also be set:
System.setProperty ("javax.net.ssl.trustStore",JAVA_HOME + "\\lib\\security\\cacerts");
System.setProperty ("javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword","changeit");
System.setProperty ("javax.net.ssl.keyStore",JAVA_HOME + "\\lib\\security\\mongodb.pkcs12");
System.setProperty ("javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword","changeit");
Both the approaches mentioned below usually suggested on forums will 'work' but are not secure as they disable the host-name verification essentially negating the SSL. Hence they are not recommended especially if your code would be deployed on production:
// 1. For any HTTPS connection
new javax.net.ssl.HostnameVerifier(){
public boolean verify(String hostname,
javax.net.ssl.SSLSession sslSession) {
if(hostname.equals("<hostname>")) {
return true;
// 2. MongoDB SSL specific
Refer: https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Hostname_validation
To fix this, you'll need a certificate containing the DNS of the server as a Subject Alternative Name entry, which you can import to your JDK cacerts
Alternatively, if you want establish SSL at the application level, I'd recommend creating a SSLContext
for that particular connection instead of using System.setProperty()
for setting key-stores/trust-stores. This would help in avoiding conflicts if your application connects to different external services who have different SSL implementations.
Specifically for MongoDB, you would just need to append ?ssl=true
at the end of the MongoDBURI after the above mentioned step. If it still doesn't work, I'd recommend updating your JDK version as per https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/JAVA-2184
Hope this helps
You need to configure the monog db driver to use SSL. You can do this with configuring it manually in a @Configuration class.
public @Bean MongoClient mongo() {
MongoClientOptions.Builder options = MongoClientOptions.builder().sslEnabled(true);
// add more options to the builder with your config
MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost", options.build());
return mongoClient;
If you are using RAD with WAS local servers, you have to add the pem file to the java VM for that server.
So if you have WAS installed to X:\IBM\WASx, X:\IBM\WASx\java_17\jre is the directory that you would navigate and then execute the keytool import there. Hope this helps others.