To generate a simple menu, I can do:
{% for item in items %}
<li>{{ item }}</li>
{% endfor %}
and then:
{% embed '...' with { items: ['Home', 'Articles'] %}
But how do I have to write the TWIG code, if I want to create endless deep menus like:
Thx for help!
To perform recursion in twig
you can make use of macro's
{% import _self as macro %}
{{ macro.multilevel(foo) }}
{% macro multilevel(array) %}
{% import _self as macro %}
{% for item in array %}
{% if item is iterable %}
{{ macro.multilevel(item) }}
{% else %}
{{ item }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
EDIT With a simple array it's not possible to nest children in the same <li>
as the parent. Herefor you would need to change your array arround,
Reformed array
$data = [
'links' => [
'title' => 'alpha',
'href' => '',
'children' => [],
'title' => 'beta',
'href' => '',
'children' => [
'title' => 'charlie',
'href' => '',
'children' => [],
'title' => 'delta',
'href' => '',
'children' => [],
'title' => 'echo',
'href' => '',
'children' => [
'title' => 'foxtrot',
'href' => '',
'children' => [],
{% macro menu(links) %}
{% import _self as macro %}
{% for link in links %}
<a href="{{ link['href'] }}">{{ link['title'] }}</a>
{% if not link['children']|default([]) is empty %}
{{['children']) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}