How to convert a Jsoup Document to a W3C Document?

2020-02-11 01:48发布


I have build a Jsoup Document by parsing a in-house HTML page,

public Document newDocument(String path) throws IOException {

    Document doc = null;
    doc = Jsoup.connect(path).timeout(0).get();
            return new HtmlDocument<Document>(doc);

I would want to convert the Jsoup document to my org.w3c.dom.Document I used an available library DOMBuilder for this but when parsing I get org.w3c.dom.Document as null. I am unable to understand the problem, tried searching but couldnt find any answer.

Code to generate the W3C DOM Document :

Document jsoupDoc=factory.newDocument("http:localhost/testcases/test_2.html"));
org.w3c.dom.Document docu= DOMBuilder.jsoup2DOM(jsoupDoc);

Can anyone please help me on this?


To retrieve a jsoup document via HTTP, make a call to Jsoup.connect(...).get(). To load a jsoup document locally, make a call to Jsoup.parse(new File("..."), "UTF-8").

The call to DomBuilder is correct.

When you say,

I used an available library DOMBuilder for this but when parsing I get org.w3c.dom.Document as null.

I think you mean, "I used an available library, DOMBuilder, for this but when printing the result, I get [#document: null]." At least, that was the result I saw when I tried printing the w3cDoc object - but that doesn't mean the object is null. I was able to traverse the document by making calls to getDocumentElement and getChildNodes.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Document jsoupDoc = null;

    try {
        jsoupDoc = Jsoup.connect("").get();
    } catch (IOException e) {

    org.w3c.dom.Document w3cDoc= DOMBuilder.jsoup2DOM(jsoupDoc);
    Element e = w3cDoc.getDocumentElement();
    NodeList childNodes = e.getChildNodes();
    Node n = childNodes.item(2);


Alternatively, Jsoup provides the W3CDom class with the method fromJsoup. This method transforms a Jsoup Document into a W3C document.

Document jsoupDoc = ...
W3CDom w3cDom = new W3CDom();
org.w3c.dom.Document w3cDoc = w3cDom.fromJsoup(jsoupDoc);


  • Since 1.10.3 W3CDom is no longer experimental.
  • Up to Jsoup 1.10.2 W3CDom class is still experimental.