“No matching function call” in constructor

2020-02-11 00:24发布


This is the constructor declaration that I have in my "solver.h" file.

Solver(const Board &board_c, int max_moves_c);

When trying to compile I get the following error...

solver.cpp: In constructor 'Solver::Solver(const Board&, int)':
solver.cpp:6:55: error: no matching function for call to 'Board::Board()'
  Solver::Solver(const Board &board_c, int max_moves_c)

And then it lists the candidates which are the Board constructors.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong as I see no reason why I should be getting this error.

I am compiling with g++.


error: no matching function for call to 'Board::Board()'

means that class Board is missing the deafault constructor. In the constructor of Solver you are probably doing something like:

Solver::Solver(const Board &board_c, int max_moves_c) {
    Board b; // <--- can not construct b because constructor is missing

so you either have to define the default constructor or invoke the appropriate constructor with some arguments.

"And then it lists the candidates which are the Board constructors."

That's because compiler wants to help you so it lists possible constructors that are actually available (defined).