This is part of a project I am working on for work.
I want to automate a Sharepoint site, specifically to pull data out of a database that I and my coworkers only have front-end access to.
I FINALLY managed to get mechanize (in python) to accomplish this using Python-NTLM, and by patching part of it's source code to fix a reoccurring error.
Now, I am at what I would hope is my final roadblock: Part of the form I need to submit seems to be output of a JavaScript function :| and lo and behold... Mechanize does not support javascript. I don't want to emulate the javascript functionality myself in python because I would ideally like a reusable solution...
So, does anyone know how I could evaluate the javascript on the local html I download from sharepoint? I just want to run the javascript somehow (to complete the loading of the page), but without a browser.
I have already looked into selenium, but it's pretty slow for the amount of work I need to get done... I am currently looking into PyV8 to try and evaluate the javascript myself... but surely there must be an app or library (or anything) that can do this??