I'm trying to do this since a lot of days but all my tests fails...
Users on my platform connect them by using passportjs strategies (paypal, facebook, google...).
When the user is connected I write his nickname on the right in the header. The html code of the header is generated from a handlebars template, and when this partial is served by expressjs, I send the req.user session object to the template in order to write nickname and other informations...
By the way, this works great but I have a problem when the user update his nickname from his profile, I can't update session object on the server side and if the user reload the page, the old nickname appears again.
And I don't want to request user informations from DB every time a user load a page, so i want to keep this config :
// -- Passport session setup
passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) { done(null, user); });
passport.deserializeUser(function(obj, done) { done(null, obj); });
My middleware to set locals :
// -- Set accessible datas from the template
res.locals = _.extend(res.locals, {
user: req.user,
query: req.url,
title: app.config.title,
url: app.config.url
My fails :
// Trying to update req.user directly : not persistent
req.user.nickname = User.get('nickname');
// Trying to update passport session : exception error
req.session.passport.user = User.toJSON();
// Trying to replace full session object : not persistent
var session = req.session;
session.passport.user = User.toJSON();
req.session = session;
Any suggestion ?
For moment, only a logout then a login works... It's not really efficient :)
// Application router
var Router = require('./helpers/router.js');
// Create Express Server
var app = express().http().io();
// -- Init app router
var router = new Router(app);
// -- Framework Middleware
// Export router
module.exports = function(app) {
// Set instance
var router = this;
// Returns routes register & middleware methods
return {
// -- Register routes
register: function() {
requirejs(['routes'], function(routes) {
_.each(routes, function(name, route) {
app.get(route, function(req, res, next) {
requirejs(['views/'+name], function(view) {
if ( view ) {
var _view = new view(_.extend(req.params, {server: {req: req, res: res, next: next}}));
_view.render(name, req, res, next);
else {
}, function (err) {
console.log('error' + err)
// -- Bind middleware
middleware: function(req, res, next) {
// Get the current path
console.log("Middleware :: "+req.url);
// Add user informations
res.locals = _.extend(res.locals, {
user: req.user,
query: req.url,
title: app.config.title,
url: app.config.url
// Go next