I am trying to write a SPARQL query to return a path from a source to a destination.
Below is the Turtle file representing the data set.
@prefix node: <http://prism.uvsq.fr/>.
@prefix edge: <http://prism.uvsq.fr#>.
node:a edge:p node:b.
node:a edge:q node:f.
node:a edge:p node:g.
node:b edge:p node:c.
node:c edge:q node:h.
node:c edge:p node:i.
node:c edge:p node:d.
node:d edge:p node:e.
node:f edge:p node:g.
node:f edge:q node:l.
node:f edge:p node:k.
node:g edge:p node:c.
node:g edge:p node:f.
node:h edge:p node:n.
node:i edge:q node:j.
node:j edge:p node:o.
node:j edge:q node:n.
node:k edge:p node:l.
node:l edge:p node:g.
node:m edge:q node:g.
node:n edge:p node:m.
The image next presents the same information, for easier visualization.
The query I wrote so far is the following:
prefix graph: <http://prism.uvsq.fr/>
prefix node: <http://prism.uvsq.fr/>
prefix edge: <http://prism.uvsq.fr#>
node:a (edge:p|edge:q) ?des.
?des (edge:p|edge:q)* node:h.
The returned information only shows one level of the solution (it shows the possible neighbor nodes for reaching the destination).
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best Regards
Property paths in SPARQL are not things that you can query directly, but you can use property paths to help extract the edges along a path between two nodes. For instance, the following query returns the edges in paths from a to h. The basic idea is to use a property path to from a to some node u which has an edge to some node v from which there is a path to h. The values block just limits the value of e to be either p or q.
prefix node: <http://prism.uvsq.fr/>
prefix edge: <http://prism.uvsq.fr#>
select distinct ?u ?e ?v where {
values ?e { edge:p edge:q }
node:a (edge:p|edge:q)* ?u .
?u ?e ?v .
?v (edge:p|edge:q)* node:h .
| u | e | v |
| node:a | edge:p | node:g |
| node:a | edge:p | node:b |
| node:g | edge:p | node:f |
| node:g | edge:p | node:c |
| node:f | edge:p | node:k |
| node:f | edge:p | node:g |
| node:k | edge:p | node:l |
| node:l | edge:p | node:g |
| node:c | edge:p | node:i |
| node:n | edge:p | node:m |
| node:h | edge:p | node:n |
| node:b | edge:p | node:c |
| node:a | edge:q | node:f |
| node:f | edge:q | node:l |
| node:c | edge:q | node:h |
| node:i | edge:q | node:j |
| node:j | edge:q | node:n |
| node:m | edge:q | node:g |
That doesn't give you the actual paths, but it gives you all and only the edges that are on paths from a to h. From that you can reconstruct paths by putting the graph back together and performing a depth first traversal to enumerate the paths.