I have a textbox that dynamically adds an element when I press enter, and another that deletes the element when I click the delete button. The delete method works for any existing elements, but doesn't work for any elements that were dynamically inserted.
Here's the code:
$ ->
# AJAX to add a new stock
$("#add-symbol").keypress (e) ->
if e.which == 13
url = $(this).data('url')
name = $(this).val()
url: url
type: "POST"
data: {
user_id: $('#info').data('user-id'),
name: name
success: (response) ->
if response.status == 200
new_element = '<a class="item" data-path="' + response.path + '" data-stock="' + response.symbol + '">'+ response.symbol + '<i class="icon remove"></i></a>'
#deal with errors
# AJAX to delete stocks
$('.icon.remove').on('click', (e) ->
console.log('click click')
$parent = $($(this).parent().get(0))
stock = $parent.data('stock')
user_id = $("#info").data('user-id')
url = $parent.data('path')
url: url
type: "DELETE"
data: {
user_id: user_id,
name: stock
success: (response) ->
if response.status == 200
# deal with errors
Any ideas? From what I've read, .on() should fix the issue of binding a click event to a dynamically generated element, but it doesn't seem to be working.