I want to get the value of a tinymce textarea
<textarea id="thetextarea"></textarea>
on key up in order to feed it into a show-preview script using:
function showPreview(value) {
$("#preview-container").load("/material-preview.php", {s:value});
$('thetextarea').live("keyup",function (e) {
var material = this.value;
return false;
If I try to select the textarea id thetextarea
it doesnt work (works if I dont make it an tinymce-field).
with firebug I see that the text, when the textarea is tinymce-converted, is in:
<body id="tinymce" class="mceContentBody"></body>
but this does not work either, (nor does $('#tinymce')
$('mceContentBody').live("keyup",function (e) {
var material = this.value;
return false;
HTML code (from firebug) after tinyMCE is applied as requested
<textarea id="material-input" class="mceEditor text" style="width: 310px ! important; height: 250px ! important; display: none;" name="material" aria-hidden="true"></textarea>
<span id="material-input_parent" class="mceEditor defaultSkin" role="application" aria-labelledby="material-input_voice">
<span id="material-input_voice" class="mceVoiceLabel" style="display:none;">Rich Text Area</span>
<table id="material-input_tbl" class="mceLayout" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" role="presentation" style="width: 310px; height: 250px;">
<tr class="mceFirst" role="presentation">
<td class="mceIframeContainer mceFirst mceLast">
<iframe id="material-input_ifr" frameborder="0" src="javascript:""" allowtransparency="true" title="Rich Text Area. Press ALT F10 for toolbar. Press ALT 0 for help." style="width: 100%; height: 206px;">
<head xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<body id="tinymce" class="mceContentBody " contenteditable="true" spellcheck="false" dir="ltr">
<!-- the text inside tinymce textarea -->
<tr class="mceLast">