How to send a POST with a JSON in a WebRequest() c

2020-02-10 07:53发布


I would like to send a POST from MQL4-script, using a JSON-format to a Node-server.

I've tried the webRequest() standard function in MQL4, based on the following documentation, but it did NOT success.

From MQL4 Documentation:

Sending simple requests of type "key=value" using the header `Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded`.    

    int  WebRequest( const string  method,           // HTTP method  
                     const string  url,              // URL 
                     const string  cookie,           // cookie 
                     const string  referer,          // referer 
                     int           timeout,          // timeout 
                     const char   &data[],           // the array of the HTTP message body 
                     int           data_size,        // data[] array size in bytes 
                     char         &result[],         // an array containing server response data 
                      string      &result_headers    // headers of server response


Sending a request of any type specifying the custom set of headers for a more flexible interaction with various Web services.

    int  WebRequest( const string  method,           // HTTP method 
                     const string  url,              // URL 
                     const string  headers,          // headers  
                     int           timeout,          // timeout 
                     const char   &data[],           // the array of the HTTP message body 
                     char         &result[],         // an array containing server response data 
                     string       &result_headers    // headers of server response 


    method          [in]  HTTP method.
    url             [in]  URL.
    headers         [in]  Request headers of type "key: value", separated by a line break "\r\n".
    cookie          [in]  Cookie value.
    referer         [in]  Value of the Referer header of the HTTP request.
    timeout         [in]  Timeout in milliseconds.
    data[]          [in]  Data array of the HTTP message body.
    data_size       [in]  Size of the data[] array.
    result[]       [out]  An array containing server response data.
    result_headers [out]  Server response headers. 

Returned value:
    HTTP server response code or -1 for an error.

Does anyone know how to perfom it?


Here is the code on the MQL4-script side :

#include <Json\hash.mqh>
#include <Json\KoulJSONMgmt.mqh>
void OnStart()

       string strParam = StringConcatenate("{","\"currency\"",":","\"",Symbol(),"\"",",","\"timeframe\"",":","\"",IntegerToString(Period()),"\"",",","\"ticktime\"",":","\"",TimeToString(TimeLocal(),TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS),"\"",",","\"bid\"",":",DoubleToString(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_BID),4),",","\"ask\"",":",DoubleToString(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_ASK),4),",","\"spread\"",":",DoubleToString(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_SPREAD),0),"}");

        JSONParser *parser = new JSONParser();
        JSONValue *jv = parser.parse(strParam);
        string strJson = jv.toString();
        if (jv == NULL) {
        } else {
    //Example of json String :
    //EURUSD,M15: PARSED:{"bid" : 1.1152,"ask" : 1.1154,"spread" : 13,"ticktime" : "2016.10.10 16:24:01","currency" : "EURUSD","timeframe" : "15"}

          string cookie=NULL,headers;
          char post[],result[];
          int res;
          string strResult,result_header;

          headers = "application/json";
          //--- Reset the last error code
          int timeout=1000; //--- Timeout below 1000 (1 sec.) is not enough for slow Internet connection

          int intHostNameLength=StringLen(prmParameter);


          //--- Checking errors
             Print("Error in WebRequest. Error code  =",GetLastError());
             //--- Perhaps the URL is not listed, display a message about the necessity to add the address
             Print("Add the address '"+prmUrl+"' in the list of allowed URLs on tab 'Expert Advisors'","Error",MB_ICONINFORMATION);
               for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(result);i++)

                   if( (result[i] == 10) || (result[i] == 13)) {
                   } else {
                      strResult += CharToStr(result[i]);



And the Node side is :


//Create new Tick'/api/ticks', function(req, res) {
    console.log('Inserting New Tick');

    var tick = req.body;

    Tick.addTick(tick, function(err, tick){
        if(err) res.json(err);

and in model ticks.js

var mongoose = require('mongoose');

// User Schema
var TickSchema = mongoose.Schema({
        type: String
    timeframe: {
        type: String
    ticktime: {
        type: Date
    bid: {
        type: Number
    ask: {
        type: Number
    spread: {
        type: Number
    createddate :{
        type: Date,
}, {collection : 'fxTicks'});

var Tick = module.exports = mongoose.model('Tick', TickSchema);

//Create New Tick
module.exports.addTick = function(tick, callback){
    Tick.create(tick, callback);

// Get Ticks
module.exports.getTicks = function(callback, limit){


So, back to the square No.1:

In the last-year's post, there was a step by step methodology to proceed with a MCVE-based approach to the problem isolation.

Repeating the same steps here, inside MQL4-code,
adding a python-based mock-up WebSERVER, to diagnose the actual working client/server http-protocol exchange & handshaking, ( not the WebSERVER-side interpretation of the delivered POST-request, which is the same, as if one have launched the URL from a WebBROWSER, for all related details ref: BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler )

>>> import BaseHTTPServer
>>> server_class  = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer
>>> handler_class = BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler
>>> httpd         = server_class( ( '', 8765 ), handler_class )
>>> httpd.handle_request() - - [10/Oct/2016 09:46:45] code 501, message Unsupported method ('GET') - - [10/Oct/2016 09:46:45] "GET /?test=123_from_Chrome HTTP/1.1" 501 -
>>> httpd.handle_request() - - [10/Oct/2016 09:47:23] code 501, message Unsupported method ('GET') - - [10/Oct/2016 09:47:23] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 501 -
>>> httpd = server_class( ( '', 80 ), handler_class )
>>> httpd.handle_request() - - [10/Oct/2016 10:22:05] code 501, message Unsupported method ('GET') - - [10/Oct/2016 10:22:05] "GET /?test=123_from_Chrome_on_port_80 HTTP/1.1" 501 -
>>> httpd.handle_request() - - [10/Oct/2016 10:22:31] code 501, message Unsupported method ('GET') - - [10/Oct/2016 10:22:31] "GET /?test=123_from_Chrome_on_port_80_again HTTP/1.1" 501 -
>>> httpd.handle_request() - - [10/Oct/2016 10:22:34] code 501, message Unsupported method ('GET') - - [10/Oct/2016 10:22:34] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 501 -
>>> httpd.handle_request() - - [10/Oct/2016 11:25:56] code 501, message Unsupported method ('GET') - - [10/Oct/2016 11:26:12] "GET /?test=123_from_Chrome_on_port_80_another_call HTTP/1.1" 501 -
>>> - - [10/Oct/2016 12:03:03] code 501, message Unsupported method ('POST') - - [10/Oct/2016 12:03:03] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 501 -

the output is
providing an evidence that the last pair of rows were produced by an MQL4-side WebRequest() that was setup correctly and works fine there and back
[ MetaTrader Terminal 4 ]-Log reads:

2016.10.10 12:03:03.921 ___StackOverflow_WebRequest_DEMO XAUUSD,H1:

           DATA:: <head><title>Error response</title></head>
                  <h1>Error response</h1><p>Error code 501.<p>
                  Message: Unsupported method ('POST').<p>
                  Error code explanation: 501 = Server does not support this operation.

2016.10.10 12:03:03.921 ___StackOverflow_WebRequest_DEMO XAUUSD,H1:

           HDRs:: HTTP/1.0 501 Unsupported method ('POST')
                  Server: BaseHTTP/0.3 Python/2.7.6
                  Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2016 20:03:03 GMT
                  Content-Type: text/html
                  Connection: close

A raw MQL4-snippet BUT use at one's own risk!

( strongly encourage NOT to use any BLOCKING WebRequest() calls
in any Production-grade code...for NON-BLOCKING tools see my other posts and how to or read into internal details on high-performance, low-latency, non-blocking integration tools for distributed heterogeneous systems processing alike ZeroMQ or nanomsg )

All have been warned, so:

Last years setup picture is still valid:

The mock-up WebSERVER had inside the dotted form-field input of:


One shall also bear in mind, that trying to set a specific port designation in the URL will violate the MetaQuotes Inc. design rule, that a port is being derived from the protocol pragma at the beginning of the URL declaration, so:


will not work, as MQL4 WebRequest() CANNOT use other port but either of { 80 | 443 }, given by protocol pragma stated in URL: { http: | https: }

Thus for any port-numbering gymnastics, one has to setup and tune a proper set of port-forwarding services, that would leave MetaTrader Terminal 4 live inside this design-cage, using just either of { 80 | 443 }.

The simplest MQL4-script OnStart() demonstrator looks this way:

//|                             ___StackOverflow_WebRequest_DEMO.mq4 |
//|                                       Copyright © 1987-2016 [MS] |
//|                                              |
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ >>>
#property copyright "Copyright © 1987-2016 [MS]"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
//| Script program start function                                    |
void  OnStart(){

      /* A BRIGHTER WAY:

         string JSON_string = StringFormat( "{\"currency\": \"%s\", \"timeframe\": \"%d\", \"ticktime\": \"%s\", \"bid\": %f, \"ask\": %f, \"spread\": %s }",  _Symbol,
                                                                                                                                                               TimeToString( TimeLocal(), TIME_DATE | TIME_SECONDS ),
                                                                                                                                                               MarketInfo( _Symbol, MODE_BID ),
                                                                                                                                                               MarketInfo( _Symbol, MODE_ASK ),
                                                                                                                                                               MarketInfo( _Symbol, MODE_SPREAD )
      // --------------

#define MQL4_COMPILE_TIME_JSON_TEMPLATE     "{\"currency\": \"%s\", \"timeframe\": \"%d\", \"ticktime\": \"%s\", \"bid\": %f, \"ask\": %f, \"spread\": %s }"   // CONSTANT TEMPLATE TO FILL-IN AD-HOC VALUES:
      // +
         string JSON_string = StringFormat( MQL4_COMPILE_TIME_JSON_TEMPLATE",                                                                                  _Symbol,
                                                                                                                                                               TimeToString( TimeLocal(), TIME_DATE | TIME_SECONDS ),
                                                                                                                                                               MarketInfo( _Symbol, MODE_BID ),
                                                                                                                                                               MarketInfo( _Symbol, MODE_ASK ),
                                                                                                                                                               MarketInfo( _Symbol, MODE_SPREAD )
      string JSON_string = StringConcatenate( "{",                                                    // **** MQL4 can concat max 63 items
                                              IntegerToString( Period() ),
                                              TimeToString( TimeLocal(), TIME_DATE | TIME_SECONDS ),
                                              DoubleToString( MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_BID ), 4 ),
                                              DoubleToString( MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_ASK ), 4 ),
                                              DoubleToString( MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD ), 0 ),
   // */
   /* off-topic: a JSON-string VALIDATOR -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <Json\hash.mqh>
#include <Json\KoulJSONMgmt.mqh>

        JSONParser *parser = new JSONParser();
        JSONValue  *jv     =         parser.parse(strParam);

        string strJson = jv.toString();

        if ( jv == NULL ) Print( "ERROR:"  + (string) parser.getErrorCode()
                                                    + parser.getErrorMessage()
        else              Print( "PARSED:" + strJson );

                          // Example of a journalled Print() for an above setup JSON String :
                          // EURUSD,M15: PARSED:{"bid" : 1.1152,"ask" : 1.1154,"spread" : 13,"ticktime" : "2016.10.10 16:24:01","currency" : "EURUSD","timeframe" : "15"}
*/ // off-topic: a JSON-string VALIDATOR -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       // string  ReqSERVER_URL = "http://localhost:8765/",         // **** MQL4 WebRequest CANNOT use other port but either of { 80 | 443 } given by protocol pragma stated in URL: { http: | https: }
          string  ReqSERVER_URL = "http://localhost/",              // ---- MQL4 WebRequst
                  ReqCOOKIE     =  NULL,
               // ReqHEADERs    =               "application/json"; // **** MQL4 WebRequest MUST   use [in]  Request headers of type "key: value", separated by a line break "\r\n".
                  ReqHEADERs    = "Content-Type: application/json\r\n";
          int     ReqTIMEOUT    =  5000;                            // ---- MQL4 WebRequest SHALL  use [in]  Timeouts below 1000 (1 sec.) are not enough for slow Internet connection;
               // ================================================= // ~~~~ MQL4 WebRequest SHALL be AVOIDED as an un-control-able BLOCKING-SHOW-STOPPER, any professional need shall use NON-BLOCKING tools
          char    POSTed_DATA[],
          int     result_RetCODE;
          string  result_DecodedFromSERVER,

       // int     intHostNameLength                       = StringLen(  ReqSERVER_URL );
       // StringToCharArray( ReqSERVER_URL, POSTed_DATA, 0, StringLen(  ReqSERVER_URL ) );
       // StringToCharArray( prmParameter,  post,        0, intHostNameLength );
          StringToCharArray( JSON_string,   POSTed_DATA, 0, StringLen(  JSON_string   ) );


          result_RetCODE = WebRequest( "POST",
          if (  result_RetCODE == -1 ) Print( "Error in WebRequest. Error code  =", GetLastError() ); // returns error 4060 – "Function is not allowed for call" unless permitted -- ref. Picture in >>>
          else {
                for (  int i = 0; i < ArraySize( result_RECVed_DATA_FromSERVER ); i++ ) {
                       if (  ( result_RECVed_DATA_FromSERVER[i] == 10 ) // == '\n'  // <LF>
                          || ( result_RECVed_DATA_FromSERVER[i] == 13 ) // == '\r'  // <CR>
                       else     result_DecodedFromSERVER += CharToStr( result_RECVed_DATA_FromSERVER[i] );
                Print( "DATA:: ", result_DecodedFromSERVER );
                Print( "HDRs:: ", result_RECVed_HDRs_FromSERVER );

Deviations from documented steps are easily visible in the source and were left for clarity.


If documentation says something, it is worth keeping that advice ( with some tests, sure ).

If a sponsored Community advice says something, it is worth giving it at least a try, before asking for more.


It works well for me, I have someone like this :

string response = SendResquest("POST", "GetPrediction", "[4, 7]", "Content-Type: application/json", 5000);

string SendResquest(string httpType, string methodName, string bodyData = "", string headers = "", int timeout)
    uchar bodyDataCharArray[];
    ArrayResize(bodyDataCharArray, StringToCharArray(bodyData, bodyDataCharArray)-1);

    int response = WebRequest(httpType, this.address+methodName, headers, timeout, bodyDataCharArray, this.resultDataCharArray, this.resultHeader);

    string result = CharArrayToString(this.resultDataCharArray); 

    if(response == 200)
        return result;
    Print("Error when trying to call API : ", response);
    return "";


Have you tried setting the headers like this:

headers = "Content-Type: application/json\r\n";



Allow your [ MetaTrader Terminal 4 ] to communicate with URL via menu:

Tools -> Options -> Expert Advisors ->

1. mark a check-box [ X ] in front of 'Allow WebReq....'
2. type the URL name below the check-box, using the green (+) icon, inside the form.

If this doesn't help - try to add Print() statements to see the possible errors ( incorrect MQL4 code or incorrect JSON-format file ).