Does JAX-RS needs a war module?

2020-02-10 08:11发布


Does JAX-RS needs an web-module WAR or am i doing something wrong?

Every tutorial states to config the rest-service in web.xml. But in ejb-module there is no web.xml. Must I create a WAR just for the rest service?

In my ejb module I want to expose a EJB as a rest service but cannot get it to work. Calling "localhost:8080/EjbModule/rest/test/method" leads to 404

Project structure

- ear
    - EjbModule.jar


Exposing a Bean as a JAX-WS web service and testing it in browser is no problem.

public class RestApplication extends Application
    public Set<Class<?>> getClasses()
        final Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<>(1);
        return classes;

public class TestService
    public String test()
        return new Date().toString();

Environment: Glassfish 4.0


Creating a separate WAR the rest service works as expected.


From the JAX-RS Specification 2.0 p. 8:

2.3.2 Servlet

A JAX-RS application is packaged as a Web application in a .war file. The application classes are packaged in WEB-INF/classes or WEB-INF/lib and required libraries are packaged in WEB-INF/lib. See the Servlet specification for full details on packaging of web applications.

This is the standard way if you want to deploy your JAX-RS application in a web-container. However the specification points also out that applications can run in different containers like ejb-containers or even an Java SE environment. But for other containers there is nothing specified:

An implementation MAY provide facilities to host a JAX-RS application in other types of container, such facilities are outside the scope of this specification.