Invoke-Command faster than the command itself?

2020-02-10 07:42发布


I was trying to measure some ways to write to files in PowerShell. No question about that but I don't understand why the first Measure-Command statement below takes longer to be executed than the 2nd statement.

They are the same but in the second one I write a scriptblock to send to Invoke-Command and in the 1st one I only run the command.

All informations about Invoke-Command speed I can find are about remoting.

This block takes about 4 seconds:

Measure-Command {
    $stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] "$PSScriptRoot\t.txt"
    $i = 0
    while ($i -le 1000000) {
        $stream.WriteLine("This is the line number: $i")
} # takes 4 sec

And this code below which is exactly the same but written in a scriptblock passed to Invoke-Command takes about 1 second:

Measure-Command {
    $cmdtest = {
        $stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] "$PSScriptRoot\t2.txt"
        $i = 0
        while ($i -le 1000000) {
            $stream.WriteLine("This is the line number: $i")
     Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $cmdtest
} # Takes 1 second

How is that possible?


As it turns out, based on feedback from a PowerShell team member on this related GitHub issue, the issue is more generally about (implicit) dot-sourcing (such as direct invocation of an expression) vs. running in a child scope, such as with &, the call operator, or, in the case at hand, with Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock.

Running in a child scope avoids variable lookups that are performed when (implicitly) dot-sourcing.

Therefore, as of Windows PowerShell v5.1 / PowerShell Core 6.2, you can speed up side-effect-free expressions by simply invoking them via & { ... }, in a child scope (somewhat counter-intuitively, given that creating a new scope involves extra work):

That is, this optimization can be used with expressions that aren't expected to modify the caller's variables (directly).

The following simplified code, which uses a foreach expression to loop 1 million times (1e6) demonstrates this:

# REGULAR, direct invocation of an expression (a `foreach` statement in this case), 
# which is implicitly DOT-SOURCED
(Measure-Command { $result = foreach ($n in 1..1e6) { $n } }).TotalSeconds

# OPTIMIZED invocation in CHILD SCOPE, using & { ... }
(Measure-Command { $result = & { foreach ($n in 1..1e6) { $n } } }).TotalSeconds