I am trying to "chunk" up the bytes of an image. This will allow me to upload a large image in portions. I have the image currently stored as one large byte[]. I would like to split the byte array into byte[]
's with a maxlength of 512 elements. However, I'm not sure how to do this in the most efficient way.
Does anyone know how I can do this in the most efficient manner?
The most efficient method would be: not to. If you already have the image as a single byte[] then for local code, just specifying the offset and length (perhaps som ArraySegment-of-byte) is usually sufficient. If your upload API only takes byte[], then you still shouldn't chunk it completely; just use a single 512 buffer and use Buffer.BlockCopy to load it will successive pieces of the data. You may need to resize (Array.Resize) the final chunk, but at most 2 arrays should be needed.
Even better; avoid needing a byte[] in the first place: consider loading the data via a streaming API (this will work well if the data is coming from a file); just use Read (in a loop, processing the returned value etc) to populate chunks of max 512. For example (untested, just of illustration):
byte[] buffer = new byte[512];
while(true) {
int space = 512, read, offset = 0;
while(space > 0 && (read = stream.Read(buffer, offset, space)) > 0) {
space -= read;
offset += read;
// either a full buffer, or EOF
if(space != 0) { // EOF - final
if(offset != 0) { // something to send
Array.Resize(red buffer, offset);
} else { // full buffer
I wrote an extension for this, originally for strings, but decided to make it generic.
public static T[] CopySlice<T>(this T[] source, int index, int length, bool padToLength = false)
int n = length;
T[] slice = null;
if (source.Length < index + length)
n = source.Length - index;
if (padToLength)
slice = new T[length];
if(slice == null) slice = new T[n];
Array.Copy(source, index, slice, 0, n);
return slice;
public static IEnumerable<T[]> Slices<T>(this T[] source, int count, bool padToLength = false)
for (var i = 0; i < source.Length; i += count)
yield return source.CopySlice(i, count, padToLength);
Basically, you can use it like so:
byte[] myBytes; // original byte array
foreach(byte[] copySlice in myBytes.Slices(10))
// do something with each slice
Edit: I also provided an answer on SO using Buffer.BlockCopy here but BlockCopy will only work on byte[]
arrays, so a generic version for strings wouldn't be possible.
public static IEnumerable<byte[]> Split(this byte[] value,int bufferLength){
int countOfArray = value.Length / bufferLength;
if(value.Length % bufferLength > 0)
countOfArray ++;
for(int i=0;i<countOfArray;i++)
yield return value.Skip(i * bufferLength).Take(bufferLength).ToArray();
This is my extension what I used
I know this is old but needed the same solution and following works
perfectly for me hope this helps someone
private byte[][] ByteArrayToChunks(byte[] byteData, long BufferSize)
byte[][] chunks = byteData.Select((value, index) => new { PairNum = Math.Floor(index / (double)BufferSize), value }).GroupBy(pair => pair.PairNum).Select(grp => grp.Select(g => g.value).ToArray()).ToArray();
return chunks;