I have a dataset wherein I am trying to determine the number of risk factors per person. So I have the following data:
Person_ID Age Smoker Diabetes
001 30 Y N
002 45 N N
003 27 N Y
004 18 Y Y
005 55 Y Y
Each attribute (Age, Smoker, Diabetes) has its own condition to determine whether it is a risk factor. So if Age >= 45, it's a risk factor. Smoker and Diabetes are risk factors if they are "Y". What I would like is to add a column that adds up the number of risk factors for each person based on those conditions. So the data would look like this:
Person_ID Age Smoker Diabetes Risk_Factors
001 30 Y N 1
002 25 N N 0
003 27 N Y 1
004 18 Y Y 2
005 55 Y Y 3
I have a sample dataset that I was fooling around with in Excel, and the way I did it there was to use the COUNTIF formula like so:
=COUNTIF(B2,">45") + COUNTIF(C2,"=Y") + COUNTIF(D2,"=Y")
However, the actual dataset that I will be using is way too large for Excel, so I'm learning pandas for python. I wish I could provide examples of what I've already tried, but frankly I don't even know where to start. I looked at this question, but it doesn't really address what to do about applying it to an entire new column using different conditions from multiple columns. Any suggestions?
If you want to stick with pandas. You can use the following...
isY = lambda x:int(x=='Y')
countRiskFactors = lambda row: isY(row['Smoker']) + isY(row['Diabetes']) + int(row["Age"]>45)
df['Risk_Factors'] = df.apply(countRiskFactors,axis=1)
How it works
isY - is a stored lambda function that checks if the value of a cell is Y returns 1 if it is otherwise 0
countRiskFactors - adds up the risk factors
the final line uses the apply method, with the paramater key set to 1, which applies the method -first parameter - row wise along the DataFrame and Returns a Series which is appended to the DataFrame.
output of print df
Person_ID Age Smoker Diabetes Risk_Factors
0 1 30 Y N 1
1 2 45 N N 0
2 3 27 N Y 1
3 4 18 Y Y 2
4 5 55 Y Y 3
I would do this the following way.
- For each column, create a new boolean series using the column's condition
- Add those series row-wise
(Note that this is simpler if your Smoker and Diabetes column is already boolean (True/False) instead of in strings.)
It might look like this:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Age': [30,45,27,18,55],
'Diabetes': ['N','N','Y','Y','Y']})
Age Diabetes Smoker
0 30 N Y
1 45 N N
2 27 Y N
3 18 Y Y
4 55 Y Y
#Step 1
risk1 = df.Age > 45
risk2 = df.Smoker == "Y"
risk3 = df.Diabetes == "Y"
risk_df = pd.concat([risk1,risk2,risk3],axis=1)
Age Smoker Diabetes
0 False True False
1 False False False
2 False False True
3 False True True
4 True True True
df['Risk_Factors'] = risk_df.sum(axis=1)
Age Diabetes Smoker Risk_Factors
0 30 N Y 1
1 45 N N 0
2 27 Y N 1
3 18 Y Y 2
4 55 Y Y 3
If you are starting from excel and want to go to the next evolution then I would recommend MS access. It will be a lot easier then learning Panda for python. You should just replace the CountIf() with:
Risk Factor: IIF(Age>45, 1, 0) + IIF(Smoker="Y", 1, 0) + IIF(Diabetes="Y", 1, 0)