Is it possible to generate a SHA-256 hash of a string from a stored procedure in Sql Server 2008?
For deployment reasons, I'd prefer it in TSQL.
Is it possible to generate a SHA-256 hash of a string from a stored procedure in Sql Server 2008?
For deployment reasons, I'd prefer it in TSQL.
Update: SQL Server 2012 HASHBYTES() now supports SHA-256 and SHA-512 out of the box.
HASHBYTES ( '<algorithm>', { @input | 'input' } ) <algorithm>::= MD2 | MD4 | MD5 | SHA | SHA1 | SHA2_256 | SHA2_512
Sure. You can do it in TSQL, but it will be much easier to implement it as a CLR Stored procedure.
Here's an actual example, that simply uses the .NET Framework types: Let's Hash a BLOB
SHA256, SHA512 in SQL SERVER 2008 OR SQL SERVER 2005!
You can do if you use the fnEnCryptSHA.dll!!
USE [master] GO
EXEC sp_configure 'clr enabled', 1 GO RECONFIGURE GO
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnGetStringToSha256 (@Str nvarchar(1000)) RETURNS varbinary(8000) AS EXTERNAL NAME InnoDll.fnEnCryptSHA.GetStringToSha256 GO
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnGetBinaryToSha256 (@Str varbinary(8000)) RETURNS varbinary(8000) AS EXTERNAL NAME InnoDll.fnEnCryptSHA.GetBinaryToSha256 GO
SELECT dbo.fnGetStringToSha256('abc')
SELECT dbo.fnGetBinaryToSha256(0x9F04F41A848514162050E3D68C1A7ABB441DC2B5)
Does it HAVE to be SHA-256. There is a SQL HASHBYTES()
function that can do SHA, SHA1, MD5 etc.
(Of course it depends on if you just want a hash representation of a value, or to securely store valuable data.)