MySQL order by field in Eloquent

2020-02-10 03:19发布


When I want to define a custom sort order in a MySQL query I can do something like this:

ORDER BY FIELD(language,'USD','EUR','JPN')

What would be the Eloquent ORM version of that?


This is the solution and it also works when ordering on various fields:

$events = Event::with( 'type', 'location' )
               ->orderBy( 'event_type_id' )
               ->orderByRaw( "FIELD(status, 'good', 'bad', 'hidden', 'active', 'cancelled')" )
               ->orderBy( 'date' );


Using either DB::raw() or orderByRaw directly should work:

$models = Model::orderByRaw('FIELD(language, "USD", "EUR", "JPN")')->get();
// or
$models = Model::orderBy(DB::raw('FIELD(language, "USD", "EUR", "JPN")'))->get();