Say I have this table structure:
ClientId int not null (identity)
CurrentDemographicId int null (FK to ClientDemographic)
OtherClientFields varchar(100) null
ClientDemographicId int not null (identity)
ClientId int not null (FK to Client)
OtherClientDemographicFields varchar(100) null
The idea is that Client (in EF) will have a ClientDemographics list and a CurrentDemographic property.
The problem is when I setup the object structure and try to save it, I get this error:
Unable to determine a valid ordering for dependent operations. Dependencies may exist due to foreign key constraints, model requirements, or store-generated values
This error makes sense. I have a circular reference in my table setup. It does not know which entity to insert first (because it needs the Id from both tables at the same time).
So, I hacked together a solution that looks like this:
// Save off the unchanged ClientDemograpic
ClientDemographic originalClientDemographic = client.CurrentClientDemographic;
// Merge the contract into the client object
Mapper.Map(contract, client);
// If this is a new client then add as new to the list.
if (client.ClientId == 0)
// Restore the original ClientDemographic so that EF will not choke
// on the circular reference.
ClientDemographic newClientDemographic = null;
if (client.CurrentClientDemographic != originalClientDemographic)
newCurrentClientDemographic = client.CurrentClientDemographic;
client.CurrentClientDemographic = originalClientDemographic;
// save our changes to the db.
// Restore updates to ClientDemographics and save (if needed)
if (newClientDemographic != null)
client.CurrentClientDemographic = newCurrentClientDemographic;
But changing the reference back to the previous value, saving, then setting it again so I can save again feels like a hack.
Is there a cleaner way to deal with circular references in EF?