Is there a safe way to run a diff on two zip compr

2020-02-10 03:36发布


Seems this would not be a deterministic thing, or is there a way to do this reliably?


If you're using gzip, you can do something like this:

# diff <(zcat file1.gz) <(zcat file2.gz)


Reliable: unzip both, diff.

I have no idea if that answer's good enough for your use, but it works.


In general, you cannot avoid decompressing and then comparing. Different compressors will result in different DEFLATEd byte streams, which when INFLATEd result in the same original text. You cannot simply compare the DEFLATEd data, one to another. That will FAIL in some cases.

But in a ZIP scenario, there is a CRC32 calculated and stored for each entry. So if you want to check files, you can simply compare the stored CRC32 associated to each DEFLATEd stream, with the caveats on the uniqueness properties of the CRC32 hash. It may fit your needs to compare the FileName and the CRC.

You would need a ZIP library that reads zip files and exposes those things as properties on the "ZipEntry" object. DotNetZip will do that for .NET apps.


zipcmp compares the zip archives zip1 and zip2 and checks if they contain the same files, comparing their names, uncompressed sizes, and CRCs. File order and compressed size differences are ignored.

sudo apt-get install zipcmp


This isn't particularly elegant, but you can use the FileMerge application that comes with Mac OS X developer tools to compare the contents of zip files using a custom filter.

Create a script ~/bin/zip_filemerge_filter.bash with contents:

#  List the size, CR-32 checksum, and file path of each file in a zip archive,
#  sorted in order by file path.
unzip -v -l "${1}" | cut -c 1-9,59-,49-57 | sort -k3
exit $?

Make the script executable (chmod +x ~/bin/zip_filemerge_filter.bash).

Open FileMerge, open the Preferences, and go to the "Filters" tab. Add an item to the list with: Extension:"zip", Filter:"~/bin/zip_filemerge_filter.bash $(FILE)", Display: Filtered, Apply*: No. (I've also added the filer for .jar and .war files.)

Then use FileMerge (or the command line "opendiff" wrapper) to compare two .zip files.

This won't let you diff the contents of files within the zip archives, but will let you quickly see which files appear within one only archive and which files exist in both but have different content (i.e. different size and/or checksum).


Actually gzip and bzip2 both come with dedicated tools for doing that.

With gzip:

$ zdiff file1.gz file2.gz

With bzip2:

$ bzdiff file1.bz2 file2.bz2

But keep in mind that for very large files, you might run into memory issues (I originally came here to find out about how to solve them, so I don't have the answer yet).


Beyond compare has no problem with this.


A python solution for zip files:

import difflib
import zipfile

def diff(filename1, filename2):
    differs = False

    z1 = zipfile.ZipFile(open(filename1))
    z2 = zipfile.ZipFile(open(filename2))
    if len(z1.infolist()) != len(z2.infolist()):
        print "number of archive elements differ: {} in {} vs {} in {}".format(
            len(z1.infolist()), z1.filename, len(z2.infolist()), z2.filename)
        return 1
    for zipentry in z1.infolist():
        if zipentry.filename not in z2.namelist():
            print "no file named {} found in {}".format(zipentry.filename,
            differs = True
            diff = difflib.ndiff(,
            delta = ''.join(x[2:] for x in diff
                            if x.startswith('- ') or x.startswith('+ '))
            if delta:
                differs = True
                print "content for {} differs:\n{}".format(
                    zipentry.filename, delta)
    if not differs:
        print "all files are the same"
        return 0
    return 1

Use as

diff(filename1, filename2)

It compares files line-by-line in memory and shows changes.


WinMerge (windows only) has lots of features and one of them is:

  • Archive file support using 7-Zip


I found relief with this simple Perl script:

It recursively diffs every zip file inside the original zip, which is especially useful for different Java package formats: jar, war, and ear.

zipcmp uses more simple approach and it doesn't recurse into archived zips.


I generally use an approach like @mrabbit's but run 2 unzip commands and diff the output as required. For example I need to compare 2 Java WAR files.

$ sdiff --width 160 \
   <(unzip -l -v my_num1.war | cut -c 1-9,59-,49-57 | sort -k3) \
   <(unzip -l -v my_num2.war | cut -c 1-9,59-,49-57 | sort -k3)

Resulting in output like so:

--------          -------                                                       --------          -------
Archive:                                                                        Archive:
-------- -------- ----                                                          -------- -------- ----
48619281          130 files                                                   | 51043693          130 files
    1116 060ccc56 index.jsp                                                         1116 060ccc56 index.jsp
       0 00000000 META-INF/                                                            0 00000000 META-INF/
     155 b50f41aa META-INF/MANIFEST.MF                                        |      155 701f1623 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 Length   CRC-32  Name                                                           Length   CRC-32  Name
    1179 b42096f1 version.jsp                                                       1179 b42096f1 version.jsp
       0 00000000 WEB-INF/                                                             0 00000000 WEB-INF/
       0 00000000 WEB-INF/classes/                                                     0 00000000 WEB-INF/classes/
       0 00000000 WEB-INF/classes/com/                                                 0 00000000 WEB-INF/classes/com/


I gave up trying to use existing tools and wrote a little bash script that works for me:

# Author: Onno Benschop,
# Note: This requires enough space for both archives to be extracted in the tempdir

if [ $# -ne 2 ] ; then
  echo Usage: $(basename "$0") zip1 zip2

# Make temporary directories
archive_1=$(mktemp -d)
archive_2=$(mktemp -d)

# Unzip the archives
unzip -qqd"${archive_1}" "$1"
unzip -qqd"${archive_2}" "$2"

# Compare them
diff -r "${archive_1}" "${archive_2}"

# Remove the temporary directories
rm -rf "${archive_1}" "${archive_2}"


A lot of the solutions here are either only checking the CRC to see if differences exist, are complicated scripts, require uncompressing to disk, use external programs, or need specific compression formats other than the one you were asking about (zcat does NOT work with zip).

Here's one that's simple, easy to read, and should work wherever you have bash that shows the differences between the file contents if, like me, that's what you needed when you happened across this question:

diff \
    <(zipinfo -1 "$zip1" '*' \
    | grep '[^/]$' \
    | sort \
    | while IFS= read -r file; do unzip -c "$zip1" "$file"; done \
    ) \
    <(zipinfo -1 "$zip2" '*' \
    | grep '[^/]$' \
    | sort \
    | while IFS= read -r file; do unzip -c "$zip2" "$file"; done \

This decompresses in-memory, not to disk, releasing data from the pipe as it diffs (it wont decompress and then compare, so shouldn't use much memory).
Want to change diffing options for ignoring whitespace or using side-by-side? Change diff to diff -w or gvimdiff (this one will keep all files in memory) et cetera.
Say you only want to diff the .js files? Change * to *.js.
Only want to see the filenames that are missing from one or the other? Remove the while line and it wont bother decompressing.


It will even safely handle (skip and record it to stderr) filenames with "illegal" characters like newlines and backslashes.
Doesn't get "safe"r than this.

slm's answer is pretty good for returning files that are different (without showing differences) and doesn't even decompress at all which is nice. If for some reason you want that but a step above CRC, in this answer you could add | sha512sum before the ; done for example and get 'the worst of both worlds' :P

Similarly it's relatively easy to compare an archive and a real directory:

diff \
    <(zipinfo -1 "$zip" '*' \
    | grep '[^/]$' \
    | sort \
    | while IFS= read -r file; do unzip -c "$zip" "$file"; done \
    ) \
    <(find "$directory" -type f -name '*' \
    | sort \
    | while IFS= read -r file
          printf 'Archive:  %s\n  inflating: %s\n' "$directory" `echo $file | sed "s|$directory/||"`
          cat "$file"
      done \

Or, ignoring files only in the directory, basically a handy dry-run of unzip -o -d "$directory":

diff \
    <(zipinfo -1 "$zip" '*' \
    | grep '[^/]$' \
    | sort \
    | while IFS= read -r file; do unzip -c "$zip" "$file"; done \
    ) \
    <(zipinfo -1 "$zip" '*' \
    | grep '[^/]$' \
    | sort \
    | while IFS= read -r file
          printf 'Archive:  %s\n  inflating: %s\n' "$directory" "$file"
          cat "$directory/$file"
      done \

Windows? Sorry. Whilst the scripts are simple and would be a cinch to port to the [syntactically] fantastic powershell, it wouldn't work. The native cmdlet only extracts to disk and MS still haven't fixed the broken binary data piping in PS so you cant "safely" use an external zip.exe in this manner either.

Apparenlty others have done similar things using the .NET API directly, but it'd become less of an elegant port and more of a reimplementation in .NET :|

A note about the "illegal filenames" mentioned before:
If you want it to work with these it actually isn't too difficult; you'll just need to swap $file with $(echo "$file" | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g;s/\^J/\n/g;s/\^M/\r/g').

Add other ctrl chars as you happen across them.

The reason is, for some reason, even though zipinfo displays a filename with \n in it as ^J, it will not accept these safe names for unzip, only the original! And even though it CAN extract to those illegal filenames with unzip -^ there's no way to get these original filenames through zipinfo at all. So you need to build the original, illegal filename from the safe, unusable one to reference them for the diff :(
If you do this, note that there is no way to distinguish between ^J literally and \n displaying as ^J, and that zip doesn't support / or ^@ within filenames at all.

As a bonus; you can write all these diffs straight to an archive and keep them all in a folder heirarchy matching the original files instead of trying to read it all at once in one big splat.

(zipinfo -1 "$zip1"; zipinfo -1 "$zip2") \
    | grep '[^/]$' \
    | sort \
    | uniq \
    | while IFS= read -r file; do
        (diff <(unzip -p "$zip1" "$file") <(unzip -p "$zip2" "$file") | zip '' - \
        && zipinfo -s '' - | awk '{ print $4; }' | grep '[^0]' \
        && printf "@ -\n@=$file\n" | zipnote -w '' \
        || zip -d '' -
        ) >/dev/null

Not as pretty a script, but now you can open it up in your gui archiver of choice or do unzip -p some/dir/some.file to see the differences with that file specifically, or be greeted with "not found" if there are no differences, which is much prettier in practice.