I have an array like below which is generated by parsing a xml url.
The array is
[Tags] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[0] =>
The array name is $result
. Now I want to check that if the array received like above I want to print a message of failure. But how to check this array in if condition?
you can use
to check if the main array is empty or not.
But since you have a SimpleXMLElement object, you need to query the object if it is empty or not. See http://www.php.net/manual/en/simplexmlelement.count.php
if (empty($result) || !isset($result['Tags'])) {
return false;
if ( !($result['Tags'] instanceof SimpleXMLElement)) {
return false;
return ($result['Tags']->count());
return true if the array is not empty
return false if it is empty
function is_array_empty($arr){
foreach($arr as $key => $value){
if(!empty($value) || $value != NULL || $value != ""){
return true;
break;//stop the process we have seen that at least 1 of the array has value so its not empty
return false;
Right code of two ppl before ^_^
/* return true if values of array are empty
function is_array_empty($arr){
foreach($arr as $value){
return false;
return true;
This checks if the array is empty
if (!empty($result) {
// do stuf if array is not empty
} else {
// do stuf if array is empty
This checks if the array is null or not
if (is_null($result) {
// do stuf if array is null
} else {
// do stuf if array is not null
I understand what you want. You want to check every data of the array if all of it is empty or at least 1 is not empty
Empty array
[Tags] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[0] =>
Not an Empty array
[Tags] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[0] =>,[1] => "s"
I hope I am right. You can use this function to check every data of an array if at least 1 of them has a value.
return true if the array is not empty
return false if it is empty
function is_array_empty($arr){
foreach($arr $key => $value){
if(!empty($value) || $value != NULL || $value != ""){
return true;
break;//stop the process we have seen that at least 1 of the array has value so its not empty
return false;
//array is not empty
//array is empty
Hope that helps.
if array is look like this [null] or [null, null] or [null, null, null, ...]
you can use implode:
implode is use for convert array to string.
//$arr is empty
//$arr has some value rather than null