Sublime Text different syntax for files under a sp

2019-01-20 04:43发布


Is there a way to make Sublime Text use a different syntax hilighting plugin for files inside a specific directory tree?

E.g. By default I want to use the default Javascript file type for .js files, but for files under ~/Unity/ folder I want to use Unity3d-Javascript file type.


Check out the ApplySyntax package. This is a very powerful plugin that allows you to apply arbitrary regexes to several different aspects of a file (file name, contents, first line, suffix, etc.) and then assign a syntax based on them. Once installed, open Preferences -> Package Settings -> ApplySyntax -> Settings-Default to read all the notes and see how the regexes are set up. Then, open ... -> Settings-User and add your custom regexes. I haven't tested this, but something along these lines should work:

    "name": "Unity3D/UnityJavaScript",
    "rules": [
        {"file_name": ".*/Unity/.js$"}

Good luck!