Now that Google Chrome extensions can register Service Workers, how can I use them in order to modify HTTP responses from all hosts, e.g. by replacing all occurrences of cat
with dog
Below is a sample code from Craig Russell, but how to use it inside Chrome extensions and bind it to all hosts?
self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
fetch(event.request).then(function(response) {
var init = {
status: response.status,
statusText: response.statusText,
headers: {'X-Foo': 'My Custom Header'}
response.headers.forEach(function(v,k) {
init.headers[k] = v;
return response.text().then(function(body) {
return new Response(body.replace(/cat/g, 'dog'), init);
navigator.serviceWorker.register('sdf.js').then(x=>console.log('done', x))
addEventListener('fetch', e=> e.respondWith(fetch/*btw xhr is undefined*/(e.request).then(r=>{
if(r.headers === undefined /*request not end with <.htm>, <.html>*/){}else{
console.assert(r.headers.get('content-type')===null)/*for some odd reason this is empty*///[
let h = new Headers()
r.headers = h
r.headers.append('content-type','text/html'/*btw <htm> doesnt work*/)
return r.text().then(_=>new Response(_.replace(/cat/g,'dog'),r))
Go to ≪page url≫ (≪chrome-extension://≪ext id≫/≪page path≫≫) and see the replacements.
Standalone response
≪manifest.json≫ and ≪asd≫ same as above.
addEventListener('fetch', e=> e.respondWith(new Response('url: '+e.request.url,{headers:{'content-type':'text/html'/*, etc*/}})))
Serviceworker has other events that can be delved into eg:
addEventListener('message', e=>{
console.log('onmessage', e)
addEventListener('activate', e=>{
console.log('onactivate', e)
addEventListener('install', e=>{
console.log('oninstall', e)
Note that currently serviceworker [–cf webNavigation, webRequest] is the only way to do this because some lamer in Google development team has decided that its "insecure" for response-modifying webNavigation and webRequest.
Chrome bugs:
- Extension ≪Reload≫ will not reload serviceworkers. You need to remove the extension and load it back in.
- Page refresh does not refresh, even with chrome devtools disable cache hard reload. Use normal page visit.