me again with IVY.
The problem now is that the ivy file the POM file to the JSON library is called:
But the JAR file is called:
The -jdk13 makes it so that the pom file cannot be found.
Ergo it can't download the JAR file because it says this:
== resolving dependencies egencia#com.egencia.test.framework;working@ESFVMVI-750->net.sf.json-lib#json-lib;2.4 [default->compile]
[ivy:resolve] tried
[ivy:resolve] maven: no ivy file found for net.sf.json-lib#json-lib;2.4: using default data
[ivy:resolve] found net.sf.json-lib#json-lib;2.4 in maven
Now.. I managed to put a pattern in which finds the JAR file, adding the -jdk13 to it.. But this way the POM file is no longer found.
After that, there is no downloaded JAR file and of course the build failes because of the missing dep.
So... can I somehow configure the POM to be something else as the JAR files name?