Suppose I have the following map object
const items = new Map([['item1','A'], ['item2','B'], ['item3', 'C']])
I want to fetch the key at index 2. Is there a way other than using a for loop to get the key of item at index = 2 ?
Got this working as per the answer -
Maps might be ordered, but they are not indexed. The only way to get the nth item is a loop.
To fetch the key at index 2, do the following:
// Your map
var items = new Map([['item1','A'], ['item2','B'], ['item3', 'C']]);
// The key at index 2
var key = Array.from(items.keys())[2]; // Returns 'item3'
// The value of the item at index 2
var val1 = items.get(key); // Returns 'C'
// ... or ...
var val2 = items.get(Array.from(items.keys())[2]); // Returns 'C'
Here is a more comprehensive solution that doesn't pointlessly copy all of the values into an array:
function get_nth_key<K, V>(m: Map<K, V>, n: number): K | undefined {
if (n < 0) {
return undefined;
const it = m.keys();
for (;;) {
const res =;
if (res.done) {
return undefined;
if (n <= 0) {
return res.value;
const m = new Map<string, string>([['item1', 'A'], ['item2', 'B'], ['item3', 'C']]);
console.log(get_nth_key(m, -1));
console.log(get_nth_key(m, 0));
console.log(get_nth_key(m, 1));
console.log(get_nth_key(m, 2));
console.log(get_nth_key(m, 3));