
How to use template inheritance with Chameleon?

2020-02-09 09:22发布


I am using latest Pyramid to build a web app. Somehow we have started using Chameleon as the template engine. I have used Mako before and it was extremely simple to create a base template. Is this possible with chameleon as well?

I have tried to look through the docs but I can not seem to find an easy solution.


With Chameleon >= 2.7.0 you can use the "load" TALES expression. Example:


    <div metal:define-slot="head"></div>
    <ul id="menu">
        <li><a href="">Item 1</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Item 2</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Item 3</a></li>
    <div metal:define-slot="content"></div>


<html metal:use-macro="load: main.pt">

<div metal:fill-slot="content">
    <p>Bonjour tout le monde.</p>



Another option, which was used prior Chameleon got an ability to load templates from the filesystem, is to pass the "base" template as a parameter.

To simplify things, I often wrap such stuff into a "theme" object:

class Theme(object):

    def __init__(self, context, request):
        self.context = context
        self.request = request

    layout_fn = 'templates/layout.pt'

    def layout(self):
        macro_template = get_template(self.layout_fn)
        return macro_template

    def logged_in_user_id(self):
        Returns the ID of the current user
        return authenticated_userid(self.request)

which can then be used like this:

def someview(context, request):
   theme = Theme(context, request)
   return { "theme": theme }

Which then can be used in the template:

    <metal:header fill-slot="header">
    <metal:main fill-slot="main">


Make a template here:


with contents:

    <div metal:define-slot="content"></div> 

Use the template here:


by inserting the contents:

<div metal:use-macro="load: base.pt">
    <div metal:fill-slot="content">
        <p>Hello World.</p>