I am new to Momentjs. I am trying to use it to convert milliseconds to hours and minutes. Below, x is milliseconds
x = 433276000
var y = moment.duration(x, 'milliseconds').asHours;
Can anyone help?
I am new to Momentjs. I am trying to use it to convert milliseconds to hours and minutes. Below, x is milliseconds
x = 433276000
var y = moment.duration(x, 'milliseconds').asHours;
Can anyone help?
I ended up doing this...
var x = 433276000
var tempTime = moment.duration(x);
var y = tempTime.hours() + tempTime.minutes();
Try this:
var x = 433276000
var d = moment.duration(x, 'milliseconds');
var hours = Math.floor(d.asHours());
var mins = Math.floor(d.asMinutes()) - hours * 60;
console.log("hours:" + hours + " mins:" + mins);
Using the moment-duration-format plugin:
You can create a Moment.js date from milliseconds using moment.utc().
var milliseconds = 1000;
There is an easier way to achieve what you want.
moment('2000-01-01 00:00:00').add(moment.duration(1000)).format('HH:mm:ss');
Will output this
Not the fanciest, I know, but it is 100% pure moment js.
edit: Doesn't work for periods longer than 24h
This seems unsupported per this SO. Following this github issue, there's a moment-to-countdown plugin that you may be able to use.
But it seems you may want Countdown.js for this in the first place.
countdown(0, 433276000, countdown.HOURS | countdown.MINUTES).toString();
Note this does not take into account leap seconds, or leap anything for that matter, as it fixes to the Unix epoch (so it's not a pure time interval).
There really is no need to use Moment for this operation.
It can be written in a single line:
var hours = Math.round((450616708 / 1000 / 60 / 60) * 100) / 100;
or as function:
function millisecondsToHours(ms){
return Math.round((ms / 1000 / 60 / 60) * 100) / 100;
In Moment.js duration you can just use Math.trunc for hours if you are expecting it to be over 24hrs. hh:mm:ss format.
var seconds = moment.duration(value).seconds();
var minutes = moment.duration(value).minutes();
var hours = Math.trunc(moment.duration(value).asHours());
see it here: https://codepen.io/brickgale/pen/mWqKJv?editors=1011
Momentjs itself doesn't support duration, in order to do so, we need a plugin moment-duration-format
To use this plugin follow these steps (for React-js)
import moment from 'moment';
import momentDurationFormatSetup from "moment-duration-format";
var time = moment.duration(value,unit).format('hh:mm:ss',{trim:false})
Note: I have used {trim: false} as extra parameter so that it doesn't trim out extra 0's in the beginning. You can omit it if you want "11:30" instead of "00:11:30".
moment('2000-01-01 00:00:00').millisecond(XXXXXX).format("HH:mm:ss")