Volley does not call getParams for my custom reque

2020-02-09 04:56发布


Please, does Volley automatically add my GET params to the URL? For me it's not working so and also when looking into sources, I just cant find any call of the getParams method.. So should I build the URL myself? It's no problem at all, I just thought that when there is such method like getParams, it could do that for me:)

UPDATE: Below is my code..

public class BundleRequest extends com.android.volley.Request<Bundle>{

    private String token;
    private OnAuthTokenValidatorResponseListener mListener;
    private final Map<String, String> mParams =  new HashMap<String, String>();;

    public BundleRequest(int method, String url,  Response.ErrorListener listener) {
        super(method, url, listener);

    public BundleRequest(int method, String url,OnAuthTokenValidatorResponseListener providedListener,  Response.ErrorListener listener, String token) {
        super(method, url, listener);
        this.token = token;
        mListener = providedListener;
        mParams.put(AuthenticatorConfig.TOKEN_VALIDATION_PARAMNAME, token);


    public Map<String, String> getParams() throws AuthFailureError {
        return mParams;

    protected Response<Bundle> parseNetworkResponse(NetworkResponse httpResponse) {
        switch (httpResponse.statusCode) {
            case AuthTokenValidator.TOKEN_VALID_RESPONSE_CODE:
                //token is ok
                JSONObject response;
                try {
                        response = new JSONObject(new String(httpResponse.data, HttpHeaderParser.parseCharset(httpResponse.headers)));
                        Bundle userDataResponse = new Bundle();
                        userDataResponse.putInt("responseCode", httpResponse.statusCode);
                        userDataResponse.putString("username", response.getString("user_id"));
                        userDataResponse.putString("email", response.getString("user_email"));
                        userDataResponse.putString("expiresIn", response.getString("expires_in"));
                        userDataResponse.putString("scope", response.getJSONArray("scope").getString(0));
                        userDataResponse.putString("token", token);
                    return Response.success(userDataResponse, HttpHeaderParser.parseCacheHeaders(httpResponse));
                    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                    return Response.error(new VolleyError("Unsupported encoding"));

                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    return Response.error(new VolleyError("Problem while parsing JSON"));

            case AuthTokenValidator.TOKEN_INVALID_RESPONSE_CODE:
                //token is not valid
                try {
                    mListener.onValidatorResponse(parseOnErrorResponse(new String(httpResponse.data, HttpHeaderParser.parseCharset(httpResponse.headers))));
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

                return Response.error(new VolleyError("Error status code:" + httpResponse.statusCode));


    protected int parseOnErrorResponse(String responseBody) {
        try {
            JSONObject response = new JSONObject(responseBody);
            String moreInfo = response.getString("more_info");
            if (moreInfo.equals("Token was not recognised")) {
                return AuthTokenValidator.TOKEN_WAS_NOT_RECOGNISED;
            } else if (moreInfo.equals("Token has expired")) {
                return AuthTokenValidator.TOKEN_HAS_EXPIRED;
            } else if (moreInfo.equals("Client doesn't exist anymore")) {
                return AuthTokenValidator.CLIENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ANYMORE;
            } else if (moreInfo.equals("Client is locked")) {
                return AuthTokenValidator.CLIENT_IS_LOCKED;
            } else {
                return AuthTokenValidator.UNKNOWN_ERROR;

        } catch (JSONException e) {
            return AuthTokenValidator.UNKNOWN_ERROR;


    protected void deliverResponse(Bundle response) {

Actually the params parameter is now redundant


getParams() is not called on the GET method, so it seems you'll have to add it to the URL before you send the request.

Check out the JavaDoc:

Returns a Map of parameters to be used for a POST or PUT request.

Can throw {@link AuthFailureError} as authentication may be required to provide these values.

Note that you can directly override {@link #getBody()} for custom data.

@throws AuthFailureError in the event of auth failure


As for Itai Hanski answer, this is one example to implement that:

 for(String key: params.keySet()) {
   url += "&"+key+"="+params.get(key);


Try this,

public class LoginRequest extends Request<String> {

    // ... other methods go here

    private Map<String, String> mParams;

    public LoginRequest(String param1, String param2, Listener<String> listener, ErrorListener errorListener) {
        super(Method.POST, "http://test.url", errorListener);
        mListener = listener;
        mParams.put("paramOne", param1);
        mParams.put("paramTwo", param2);


    public Map<String, String> getParams() {
        return mParams;

See this example also,
