My goal is to take in a M4V video file, decode a segment of the video as PNG frames, modify these frames, and re-encode the trimmed video (also to M4V).
The workflow is like so: [Input Video] -> Export Frames -> Modify Frames -> Encode Frames -> [Output Video]
For the decode process, I have been referencing the bigflake examples. Using the ExtractMpegFramesTest example code I was able to generate Bitmap
frames from an .m4v
file and export frames as PNG files.
Now I am attempting the re-encoding process, using the EncodeAndMuxTest example in attempts to create another set of classes for encoding.
The issue I am running into is, the example code seems to generate raw frames in OpenGL. I have a series of Bitmaps
that I want to encode/render to the CodecInputSurface
object. Pretty much the reverse of what the decoding process does.
The majority of the example code is just fine, it seems I just need to modify generateSurfaceFrame()
to render the Bitmap
to the Surface
with OpenGL.
Here is the code that I have thus far:
// Member variables (see EncodeAndMuxTest example)
private MediaCodec encoder;
private CodeInputSurface inputSurface;
private MediaMuxer muxer;
private int trackIndex;
private boolean hasMuxerStarted;
private MediaCodec.BufferInfo bufferInfo;
// This is called for each frame to be rendered into the video file
private void encodeFrame(Bitmap bitmap)
int textureId = 0;
textureId = loadTexture(bitmap);
// render the texture here?
// Loads a texture into OpenGL
private int loadTexture(Bitmap bitmap)
final int[] textures = new int[1];
GLES20.glGenTextures(1, textures, 0);
int textureWidth = bitmap.getWidth();
int textureHeight = bitmap.getHeight();
GLES20.glBindTexture(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, textures[0]);
GLUtils.texImage2D(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, bitmap, 0);
return textures[0];
// Unloads a texture from OpenGL
private void unloadTexture(int textureId)
final int[] textures = new int[1];
textures[0] = textureId;
GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, textures, 0);
I feel like I should be able to use the STextureRender
from the ExtractMpegFramesTest example to achieve similar, but it's just not clicking for me.
Another thing is performance, which I really am trying to get efficient encoding. I will be encoding 90-450 frames of video (3-15 seconds @ 30fps), so this should only take several seconds hopefully.