Are there Firefox extension (or any other browser)

2020-02-09 01:46发布


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I want to test the security of a website of mine and I would love to have an application that is able to send POST data, if it's even possible..



Yes, there are two I know of:

  • Tamper Data

  • Modify Headers


Try Fiddler. From their own documentation:

"The Request Builder allows you to craft custom requests to send to the server. You can either create a new request manually, or you can drag and drop a session from the Web Sessions list to create a new request based on the existing request."



  • RESTClient : request oriented and user-firendly (runs in a tab, XML answer coloration)

    Development version (works with Firefox 4.b9) here :

    https: //

  • Poster : handling binary data POST (with file loading)

    https: //


A fire fox add on named Poster dose exactly that.


I think Fiddler will allow this.


I believe LiveHTTPHeaders can do this (

But you need to first capture an actual GET/POST request, then click "Replay...". There, you can edit your request (including the headers) as you wish.


HTTP Resource Test worked fine.


HttpRequester.. Just Awesonme...