How to import C makefile project into eclipse or p

2020-02-09 01:11发布


I have standard source code package under Linux which requires to run


to compile it (and it works ok).

Mostly these files are C/C++

Is it possible to put this project under Eclipse control? I wish to browse definitions etc...


I have Eclipse Indigo running on Ubuntu. It contains CDT of course.

When I choose File-Import, I see no matching option under C/C++. Under General I have Existing Projects into Workspace but I get No project are found to import if I point this wizard to my project root.


I have installed Eclipse with Ubuntu package manager. Probably this was wrong.


First run the ./configure to generate the Makefile. After that, if you have CDT installed,just choose the option "File->New->Makefile Project With Existing Code" and point to the directory where the Makefile is stored.


Create a new project, make sure to uncheck the "Use default location" option while doing so. Add your source tree path in the location field. Now select "Makefile Project" in the project types window.

In "builder settings" (Project>Properties), uncheck the "use default build command" and add:

make -f /<your project location/Makefile

If your makefile is named otherwise, you can change it here.

To run your application, add the application in Run Configurations. See full instructions here.


Don't say import.

Create a new C/C++ project using the New Project Wizard, and specify the "root folder" as a non-default location of the new project.

See the instructions here.

Read "Creating new projects from existing source roots"