I use this function to add cookie and it adds perfectly as I can see in browser options.
function login($username,$password){
$cookieUsername = array(
'name' => 'user',
'value' => md5($username),
'expire' => time()+1000,
'path' => '/',
'secure' => TRUE
$cookiePassword = array(
'name' => 'pass',
'value' => $password,
'expire' => time()+1000,
'path' => '/',
'secure' => TRUE
I am unable to get back the cookie from this function:
echo $this->input->cookie('user');
Please help - how can I get cookie back from CodeIgniter?
Its problem with CI built in function which writes the cookie. What i changed is now i am setting cookie whith
function and getting it back through
this is work damn fine!
You can not get cookie on the same http request. Once you set a cookie it must be sent to browser by Set-Cookie
header. And you can not send header until the http transaction is completed. After that browser will get the cookie and on the next request browser will send it to server by Cookie
Cookies will not become visible until the next loading of a page that the cookie should be visible for. To test if a cookie was successfully set, check for the cookie on a next loading page before the cookie expires. Expire time is set via the expire parameter.
So the cookie will be available on the next page load.
I was having this problem and found that Codeigniter requires an expiry value, NOT just the name and value as stated in the documentation. I.e.
$cookie = array(
'name' => 'logged',
'value' => 1,
'expire' => '86500',
Switching to PHP's setcookie()
instead of CI's $this->input->set_cookie()
didn't work for me; the cookie was still not available until the next request. This makes sense because CI's method in fact generates a setcookie()
so they're functionally equivalent. However, I was able to get it working right away by doing the following:
//this is the original code, which is made available next request:
$this->input->set_cookie('foo', 'bar', 86500);
//this is what I added, to make the cookie available immediately:
$_COOKIE['foo'] = 'bar';
Hope that helps someone.
Check your config.php cookie settings. If they are set wrong, cookies won't work. The defaults work for me locally using your code
$config['cookie_prefix'] = '';
$config['cookie_domain'] = '';
$config['cookie_path'] = '/';
also, you should encrypt the password if you're going to encrypt anything. And you shouldn't use md5. Use CI's built in encryption ($this->encrypt->encode();
) which uses a safer algorithm [don't forget to set your encryption key in config.php].
there is a bug in codeigniter: it doesn't use your cookie_prefix when reading the cookie (when writing the cookie, it does) see /system/core/Input.php in function cookie
That is caused by an incorrect initialization of function set_cookie() about $expire parameter, setted to empty string by default but it must be setted to 0 by default because it rapresent timestamp.
Look at there correction
Line 342 on system/core/Input.php
First make sure you are including cookie helper:
And set cookie like this:
set_cookie($cookie_name, $value, $time);
public function cookie()
$name = 'user';
$value = 'pradip';
$expire = time()+1000;
$path = '/';
$secure = TRUE;
call in view page like echo $this->input->cookie('user');
output = pradip
Check your config.php for cookie_secure directive. It must be FALSE for non-https domains.
If domain is not https and cookie_secure is set TRUE in config.php, cookies simply will not be set. Change to FALSE and it will be set in both http and https.
, in its code, already adds time()
for expiry, so you don't need to add time()
in your cookie config.
'expire' => time()+1000
'expire' => 1000
Also use the procedural style cookie helper functions such as (set_cookie, get_cookie, delete_cookie..
) as they automatically adds the cookie prefix config, while with the OOP ones ($this->input->set_cookie etc.
), you will have to manually type in the cookie prefix config as well each time.