
Example for startMonitoringSignificantLocationChan

2020-02-08 20:25发布


I am new to iPhone programming. I am looking for an example or a demo on how to use startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges method with the CoreLocation Manager.

I am confused by the documentation because, I am not sure if the same delegate method is called as in the case of invoking startUpdatingLocation. (i.e. the delegate locationManager: (CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation: (CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation: (CLLocation *)oldLocation is called)

Any help on this would be appreciated. Also, I am testing it on the simulator by subclassing of CLLocationManager. This subclass provides a simulation of location services when running on the iPhone Simulator. Is there a better way to test this.


I have done a bit of testing with the significant change API. I posted a sample project on GitHub that lets you play with regular and significant location updates.

This question might also shed some light on what happens when you get woken up for a significant change event.


Another thing you should be aware of, there is a bug in CoreLocation in 4.1. Basically if your app is in the background, then it will crash when core location tries to wake you up. It is fixed in 4.2.


There is a great video session on these new iOS 4.0 CoreLocation and MapKit features from WWDC 2010 that should be freely available in iTunes U for all registered iPhone developers.