Could someone explain how to build a binary expression tree.
For example I have a string 2*(1+(2*1));
How to convert this into a binary expression tree.
| \
| \
2 +
1 *
2 1
Could someone explain how to build a binary expression tree.
For example I have a string 2*(1+(2*1));
How to convert this into a binary expression tree.
| \
| \
2 +
1 *
2 1
Convert infix to postfix or prefix
The postfix input is: a b + c d e +**
Java Implementation
public Tree.TreeNode createExpressionTree(){
Iterator<Character>itr = postOrder.iterator();
Tree tree = new Tree();
NodeStack nodeStack = new NodeStack();
Tree.TreeNode node;
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Character c =;
node = tree.createNode(c);
node.right = nodeStack.pop();
node.left = nodeStack.pop();
node = tree.creteNode(c);
node = nodeStack.pop();
return node;
More info:
you will need to:
for example, take a look at this approach:
there are others
Convert the expression to prefix or postfix notation. From there it should be pretty straightforward. Algorithms are mentioned in the following wiki links.
It can be divided into two steps:
Calculate priority value for each token.
For example: '+': 1, 'x': 2, number: inf, '(': add 10 to base, ')': subtract 10 from base)
Build Cartesian tree based on priority by using a stack (approx 5 lines of code)
You can do it in one scan.