I want to access functions within a DLL using Ruby. I want to use the low-level access of C while still retaining the simplicity of writing Ruby code. How do I accomplish this?
Have a look at Win32API
stdlib. It's a fairly easy (but arcane) interface to the Windows 32 API, or DLLs.
Documentation is here, some examples here. To give you a taste:
require "Win32API"
def get_computer_name
name = " " * 128
size = "128"
Win32API.new('kernel32', 'GetComputerName', ['P', 'P'], 'I').call(name, size)
You can use Fiddle: http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.0.0/libdoc/fiddle/rdoc/Fiddle.html
Fiddle is a little-known module that was added to Ruby's standard library in 1.9.x. It allow you to interact directly with C libraries from Ruby.
It works by wrapping libffi, a popular C library that allows code written in one language to call methods written in another. In case you haven't heard of it, "ffi" stands for "foreign function interface." And you're not just limited to C. Once you learn Fiddle, you can use libraries written in Rust and other languages that support it.
require 'fiddle'
libm = Fiddle.dlopen('/lib/libm.so.6')
floor = Fiddle::Function.new(
puts floor.call(3.14159) #=> 3.0
require 'fiddle'
require 'fiddle/import'
module Logs
extend Fiddle::Importer
dlload '/usr/lib/libSystem.dylib'
extern 'double log(double)'
extern 'double log10(double)'
extern 'double log2(double)'
# We can call the external functions as if they were ruby methods!
puts Logs.log(10) # 2.302585092994046
puts Logs.log10(10) # 1.0
puts Logs.log2(10) # 3.321928094887362
I think you can also use ruby/dl http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.ruby/browse_thread/thread/95a483230caf3d39
or ffi makes it easier and more cross VM friendly:
There is the win32-api "drop-in replacement for Win32API" by Daniel Berger. However, it appears that it may not stay current, as he has left it to the open source community. It hasn't been updated since 18 March, 2015. It supports up to ruby 2.2 as of this answer.