My application creats a TCP connection, This is working normaly. But in one network server has many IP say
- 174.X.X.X
- 54.x.x.x like this
When calling TCP connect (Non blocking with timeout of 60 seconds)
to IP 174.X.X.X
is always success .
But TCP connect to same server with ip 54.x.x.x
is failing (most of the times) with errno 115
measn operation in progress.
Can you please explain me what are the possible reason for errno 115
OS : Linux
My TCP conenct code is as below
int iValOpt = 0;
int iLength= 0;
ret = connect (sockID,(struct sockaddr*)pstSockAdr,uiSockLen);
if (ret < 0)
if (errno == EINPROGRESS)
stTv.tv_sec = 60;
stTv.tv_usec = 0;
iLength = sizeof(int);
if (0 < select (sockID+1) , NULL,&write_fd,NULL,&stTv);
if(0 > getsockopt(sockID,SOL_SOCKET,SO_ERROR,(void*)(&iValOpt),&iLength))
return -1
if (0 != iValOpt)
return -1;
return success;
return -1;
return -1;
return success;