for my drop-down list I am using this code.
<?= $form->field($medicinerequest, '[' . $id . ']' . 'medicine_name')
->asArray()->all(), 'id', 'medicine_name','medicine_id' ),
[ 'prompt' => 'Please Select' ])?>
I am getting the drop-down list as in the picture. But I want it to be concatenated by hyphen(-) in one line. How can I do this?
ArrayHelper::map($array, $from, $to, $group)
uses ArrayHelper::getValue()
to obtain the values of $from
, $to
and $group
. ArrayHelper::getValue()
allows you to pass closures.
The anonymous function signature should be: function($array, $defaultValue)
As such you can set $to
function($model) {
return $model['medicine_name'].'-'.$model['medicine_id'];
Ok I found the solution. I will welcome if there is a better solution.
I have created a function in the model Medicine.php
public function getMedicineName(){
return $this->medicine_name .'-'.$this->medicine_id;
and then in the arrayhelper replaced medicine_name with medicineName and Now I am getting what I was looking for.
The anonymous function could be
function ($element) {
return $element['medicine_name'] . '-'. $element['medicine_id'];
You can check here!
You can set $var
in kartik Depdrop widget, as the same scenario in the Dropdown widget here We use kartik depdrop widget
$var = ArrayHelper::map(Modelname::find()->where(['id' => $model->customer_id])->all(), 'id',
function ($model) {
return $model['id'] .' - '. $model['name'];
echo $form->field($model, 'id')->widget(DepDrop::classname(), [
'data' => $var,
'pluginOptions' => [
'depends' => [''],
'url' => Url::to(['#'])
]) ?>