the app references non-public selectors in payload

2020-02-08 12:10发布


I am uploading my iOS application on app store and it is having some warning when i upload the app. warning is the app references non-public selectors in payload/ _terminateWithStatus I am using facebook sdk"facebook-ios-sdk-3.8" and parse sdk "parse-library-1.2.18". can anybody guide me what should i do to remove this warning?


You can't remove this warning. You may get this warning just for using a selector in your own code or third party code(may be because of facebook sdk) that has the same name as some selector that is marked as non-public. Happens to me all the time. Never got rejected for it. So you won't worry about this warning. See this Ref. , Ref2

And also see this stack question to avoid rejection, find and remove unwanted framework.


First time i got this error and then app was uploaded but with warnings but when i submitted the second version of the app at that time Apple didn't let me upload the app and was giving me error repeatedly "Your app contains non-public API usage. Please review the error, correct them and resubmit your app" after that i found my solution in this question Finding Private API Call _terminateWithStatus Answer was not very useful for me but solution in question was very useful for me. I just removed the GHUnitIOS.framework and it worked for me. May be this info can help someone else