I have a table with three columns: taxon_id
, scientific_name_element_id
, and parent_id
. I want to find the elements that are children and not parents, so the termini of the structure.
I found some sources that suggested that I use
select taxon_id
from taxon_name_element
where taxon_id not in
(select parent_id from taxon_name_element)
But this does not work, I get an empty set when I can actually browse the entries and see that there is, for example, a taxon_id=1
, and NO parent_id=1
Conversely when I see what taxon_id's are in parent_id's I get a nonempty result set
What am I doing wrong? How can I fix this?
Are there any NULLs in taxon_name_element.parent_id
The query...
select taxon_id
from taxon_name_element
where taxon_id not in (
select parent_id
from taxon_name_element
...is equivalent to...
select taxon_id
from taxon_name_element
taxon_id <> parent_id_1
AND taxon_id <> parent_id_2
AND taxon_id <> parent_id_N
...where parent_id_X
are actual values that are currently in the parent_id
column. If even one of them is NULL, the corresponding taxon_id <> parent_id_X
expressions will "collapse" into NULL, dragging the whole WHERE expression with it.
Filter-out NULLs to get what you want:
select taxon_id
from taxon_name_element
where taxon_id not in (
select parent_id
from taxon_name_element
where parent_id is not null
Assuming the parent_id column is NULL (meaning no value is set)
To select all scientific_name_element_id that have no value for parent_id (meaning parent_id is NULL)
You do this:
SELECT scientific_name_element_id
WHERE parent_id IS NULL
This will get you a list of scientific_name_element_id that have no parents.