Does anyone know how could I select a variable from a String in JavaScript? Here's what I'm basically trying to achieve:
var myLang = "ESP";
var myText_ESP = "Hola a todos!";
var myText_ENG = "Hello everybody!";
console.log(myText_ + myLang); // This should trace "Hola a todos!"
var hellos = {
ESP: 'Hola a todos!',
ENG: 'Hello everybody!'
var myLang = 'ESP';
I don't like putting everything in global scope, and then string accessing window properties; so here is another way to do it.
If your variable is defined in the global context, you may do this :
console.log(window['myText_' + myLang]);
var myLang = "ESP";
var myText = {
ESP : "Hola a todos!",
ENG : "Hello everybody!"
console.log(myText[myLang]); // This should trace "Hola a todos!"
You can use eval
for that but this is very bad practice:
console.log(eval("myText_" + myLang);
I'll suggest to have an object instead:
var myLang = "ESP";
var texts = {
'ESP': "Hola a todos!",
'ENG': "Hello everyboy!"
console.log( texts[ myLang ] );
It is not a good pratice, but you can try using eval()
var myLang = "ESP";
var myText_ESP = "Hola a todos!";
var myText_ENG = "Hello everyboy!";
console.log(eval('myText_' + myLang));