We have created a WinForms application and store some configurations via the ConfigurationManager class. In order to store the information I use
Configuration pConfig = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
pConfig.AppSettings.Settings.Add("updates", szUpdatesURL);
The problem here is that in some occasions the application creates an "appname".config file and in other occasions an "appname".exe.config.
Here I must note that a configuration file is not shipped by default since it is not always required.
The configurations are saved the first time the program is executed. This has caused us a problem, and I cannot specify the occasions when which one or the other is created.
I have performed the tests, on the same pc, with the exact same .exe and I get both results. What's going on here?
What is the difference between the two, and how can I specify which one should be created? Many thanks