Python: Converting string into decimal number

2020-02-08 08:14发布


I have a python list with strings in this format:

A1 = [' "29.0" ',' "65.2" ',' "75.2" ']

How do I convert those strings into decimal numbers to perform arithmetic operations on the list elements?


If you want the result as the nearest binary floating point number use float:

result = [float(x.strip(' "')) for x in A1]

If you want the result stored exactly use Decimal instead of float:

from decimal import Decimal
result = [Decimal(x.strip(' "')) for x in A1]


If you are converting price (in string) to decimal price then....

from decimal import Decimal

price = "14000,45"
price_in_decimal = Decimal(price.replace(',',''))


You will need to use strip() because of the extra bits in the strings.

A2 = [float(x.strip('"')) for x in A1]


use the built in float() function in a list comprehension.

A2 = [float(v.replace('"','').strip()) for v in A1]


A2 = [float(x.strip('"')) for x in A1] works, @Jake , but there are unnecessary 0s


If you are converting string to float:

import re
A1 = [' "29.0" ',' "65.2" ',' "75.2" ']
float_values = [float('\d+.\d+',number).group()) for number in A1]
>>> [29.0, 65.2, 75.2]