When I upload large files (greater than 1 MB) in play framework 2.0 I get
"413 Request Entity Too Large" error.
Could you please anybody suggest how to get rid of this?
I have solved this issue by adding this to application.conf
#Set Max file size
See http://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.0.x/ScalaBodyParsers
or Java version: http://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.0.x/JavaBodyParsers
// Accept only 10KB of data.
def save = Action(parse.text(maxLength = 1024 * 10)) { request =>
Ok("Got: " + text)
And you can configure this in your application.conf
using parsers.text.maxLength
and parse.temporaryFile
don't take maxLength
as argument letting you increase or decrease the default like parse.text(maxLength)
But you can use parse.maxLength(maxLength, wrappedBodyParser)
// accepts 10 MB file upload
def save = Action(parse.maxLength(10 * 1024 * 1024, parse.multipartFormData)) { request =>
request.body match {
case Left(MaxSizeExceeded(length)) => BadRequest("Your file is too large, we accept just " + length + " bytes!")
case Right(multipartForm) => {
/* Handle the POSTed form with files */
For play version 2.4.x:
For parsers that buffer content on disk, such as the raw parser or multipart/form-data, the maximum content length is specified using the play.http.parser.maxDiskBuffer property, it defaults to 10MB. The multipart/form-data parser also enforces the text max length property for the aggregate of the data fields.
In my case, I got the error on an AJAX request (It was a long text). For requests like this, you can set the property:
More information on play documentation: https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.0/JavaBodyParsers
I am using an AnyContent
Parser. I had to change to controller
code to following as the configurations didn't work for me
def newQuestion = silhouette.SecuredAction.async(parse.maxLength(1024 * 1024, parse.anyContent)(ActorMaterializer()(ActorSystem("MyApplication")))) {
implicit request => {
println("got request with body:" + request.body)
val anyBodyErrors: Either[MaxSizeExceeded, AnyContent] = request.body
anyBodyErrors match {
case Left(size) => {
Future {
case Right(body) => {
//val body:AnyContent = request.body
val jsonBodyOption = body.asJson