we have the problem that our non-heap-memory is growing all the time. so we have to restart our jee (java8) - webapp every 3rd day (as you can see in the screenshot here: screenshot from non-heap- and heap-memory)
I have already tried to find out what fills up that non-heap. But I couldn't find any tool to create a nonheap-dump. do you have any idea how i could investigate on that to find out what elements are increasingly growing?
java version "1.8.0_102"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_102-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.102-b14, mixed mode)
Apache Tomcat Version 7.0.59
Non-heap memory usage, as provided by MemoryPoolMXBean counts the following memory pools:
- Metaspace
- Compressed Class Space
- Code Cache
In other words, standard non-heap memory statistics includes spaces occupied by compiled methods and loaded classes. Most likely, the increasing non-heap memory usage indicates a class loader leak.
jmap -clstats PID
to dump class loader statistics;
jcmd PID GC.class_stats
to print the detailed information about memory usage of each loaded class. The latter requires -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions
With Java 8, class meta data is now in a non-heap memory section called Metaspace (and not in PermGen anymore). If your non-heap memory is mainly consumed by Metaspace, you can figure it out with jstat.
It's not a general tool for analyzing non-heap memory. But it might still help in your case.
As @apangin points out it looks like you are using more Metaspace over time. This is usually means you are loading more classes. I would record which classes are being loaded and methods being compiled and try to limit how much this is being done in production on a continuous basis. It is possible you have a library which is generating code continuously but not cleaning it up. This is where looking at what classes are being created could give you a hint as to which one.
For native non-heap memory.
You can look at the memory mapping on Linux with /proc/{pid}/maps
This will let you know how much virtual memory is being used.
You need to determine whether this is due to
- increasing numbers of threads, or sockets
- direct ByteBuffers being used.
- a third party library which is using native / direct memory.
From looking at your graphs you could reduce your heap and increase your maximum direct memory and extend the restart time to a week or more, but a better solution would be solve the cause.